God Logic
Oh, the irony!
Growing up, LOGIC was never a part of the God conversation.
I came to feel that God is NOT logical.
There was a silent case built that humans were logical, but God was not.
The truth is WE are not logical.
God is logical.

Follow me on this.
If God is the creator of the universe,
Then God is the most wise and powerful source of ideas, inspiration and solutions.
We are nothing compared to Him.
When we're in trouble,
Or have a question,
When we're planning our future,
And want to be inspired,
How frequently and EARNESTLY do we seek God?
LOGICALLY speaking...
If God is the most wise and powerful,
And we have access to Him 24/7,
Isn't it foolish NOT to get His input?
Isn't it like NOT cashing in a winning lottery ticket?
The truth is, we have access to the greatest source of wisdom.
However, we frequently do NOT even ask ONCE for God's input.
We do things on our own.
Does that make LOGICALLY sense?
If you thought of one challenge you faced this week...
Did you check-in with God even ONCE regarding it?
Did you ask God even ONCE about how to handle it or what to say?
By not even asking ONCE,
It's like being married to the best mechanic in the world and not asking him for help when your car breaks down.
Now who's NOT logical?
If we judged our actions and not our words,
By not asking God even ONCE,
What would our actions say about our belief and trust in God's power and wisdom?
Any lights going off in your head?
LOGICALLY speaking...
If we have access to God 24/7, why are we not seeking Him?
Since God is the #1 source for wisdom,
If we want to maximize wisdom in all our actions,
Then LOGICALLY speaking, we should to check-in with God about...
Every thought.
Every decision.
Every action.
Every meeting.
Every time block.
Every morning.
Every day.
Every hour.
LOGIC would dictate that we use the best resource we have.
That is God.
Therefore, God needs to be a part of everything.
Else, we are limiting our results with our human abilities.
We have 24/7 access to the greatest knowledge and wisdom and we use it so little.
WE are the ones that are not logical.
How did we go from US being the not logical one to thinking God was not logical?
The enemy (aka satan, devil) is the father of lies.
The enemy decieves us and re-programs us to value earthly treasures more than the eternal ones.
The enemy tempts us to rely on our knowledge rather than God.
The enemy wants us to stay NOT logical.
The world distracts us from God.
The world is blinded and decieved by the enemy.
The world tempts us to be caught up in worldly things so that we FORGET about God.
Little by little we are trained to NOT check-in with God for everything.
Little by little, like boiling a frog, we forget that God should be a part of everything.
Next thing you know, it's "normal" not to ask God.
In fact, it should feel WEIRD not to ask God.
Let's break the chains of deception.
Let's break through the lies.
Let's lean into truth.
Let's lean into God's spirit of power, love and a sound mind.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Come into my heart,
Come into my business.
Come into my thoughts, desires and actions.
Let it be all of You and none of me.
Grant me LOGIC that is true to You.
Renew my mind to seek YOU, to seek truth.
Grant me a hunger and a thirst to delight in You,
So you can delight in me.
I give you all the glory and declare victory in Jesus name.
It's the LOGICAL choice to ask God for everything.
God the BEST source of all knowledge and wisdom.
Doesn't get simpler than that.
Will you be LOGICAL today?