God of Order in Your Business

Hi {{first_name}}, 

In real estate, most accept the idea that...
"Real estate is crazy!"
"That's just the way it is."


"I'm not the organized type."


It's normal to:
- Run around with your hair on fire
- Not have systems
- Be disorganized

Chaos and confusion is an unwelcome house guest you're allowing to stay.

Here's a TRUTH...

"God is not a God of confusion but of peace...
doing all things in a beautiful and orderly way."

If I asked, "Is God a part of your business?"
Most would say "Yes".


God's presence is one of peace and order (NOT disorder and chaos).
How much of God's peace and order is REALLY in your business?
I say this in hopes to wake you up.

You're not meant to live in chaos or overwhelm.
You're not meant to stress because you don't have systems.
You're not meant to lose track of things and feel guilty.

These are the LIES that the enemy wove into the fabric of the real estate industry.
These are the LIES that most brokers and agents have accepted into their lives and it torments their business and personal lives.

It's time to bust and break loose!

Wake you up to new possibilities in 2021, but start now.

Own the fact that you're not meant for chaos.
Own the fact that you're meant for order and harmony.
Own the path to freedom with organization and systems.
Own your freedom.

God's fingerprint in your business looks like:
Supernatural Peace.
And Sweet, Sweet, Surrender.

When you're in line with God's will for your business, He can do more with you.
Chaos and disorder is a tool of the devil to distract you and keep you crazy so you can't hear God.

You have a beautiful heart.
You have a beautiful purpose.
You have a need to live it.
You hunger to live it.

Break free from chaos with God's order and peace.
Claim God's victory in your business.
Claim supernatural peace moving forward.
It's what God wants for you.

Here's a simple prayer...

"Dear God,
Come into my business.
Make it Yours.
Break me free from chaos and disorder,
and replace it with your peace and order.
Use me and my business boldly and beautifully.
Teach me to surrender it to you.
Fill my heart Your desires.
Change my heart, O God.
Let me be forever Yours.


Then ask God...

  • What would please you in my business?
  • What would put a smile on your face, Lord?
  • Your servant is listening.

Give it a try.

Take some quiet time to converse and listen.

See what answers you see, sense, or hear.

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