One of the most awe inspiring acts of God is in the moment of Jesus death...
"At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom."
What does this really mean?
This huge curtain was a separator to the place in the sancuary called the "holy of holies" where only high priests could go.
Talk about inequality, right?
The whole concept of "everyone has access to God" was NOT a thing.
The whole concept that our access to God is the same as the priests was NOT a thing.
There was no such thing as the Holy Spirit dwelling in us or praying to God like we do today.
There were legit "holy" priests that had special access to God that others did NOT.

Jesus' death changed ALL of that.
He is the FIRST and the BIGGEST equalizer of all time.
The ripping of that "holy" curtain meant that Jesus tore down the barrier between man and God.
He made Himself accessible to ALL mankind.
That's like the president tearing down the fence around the White House and inviting every person inside.
Because of Jesus' death on the cross...
We ALL have the access to God.
We can ALL be saved.
We are ALL holy through Jesus Christ.
No role, birth, race or gender makes you more accessible to God.
God is SO available that it's easy to take it for granted.
It's like saying we all have access to see the President of the US.
Ummm... no.
We need security clearance, background checks, etc.
We can't just walk up to the white house and see the President.
If you could... it would MEAN something, right?
It would mean...
You had some credentials that got you past security.
You some connection and favored relationship with the highest rank in the country.
That would be pretty stinkin' cool.
So... If we think walking up to the President is pretty cool...
How about accessing the creator of the universe any time we want?
That's even cooler, right?
It should be jaw dropping cool, right?
But our human minds don't think like that.
We don't give this gift the credit it deserves.
This gift was paid for by the death of Jesus on the cross.
That should be a BIG, BIG deal.
Just for today...
Let's give it the credit it deserves.
Let's give God glory for His perfect design.
God designed it so that Jesus' death would tear down walls between man and God.
God designed it so that Jesus' death would give us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.
God designed it so that everyone that was NOT a Jew could be a child of God.
Jesus had a choice to NOT go through with being brutally murdered.
Jesus had a choice to NOT go through with being tortured.
Jesus had a choice to NOT go through with being stripped naked and executed.
Thank you Jesus for Your mercy.
Thank you Jesus for Your grace.
Thank you Jesus for Your sacrifice on the cross.
We will never (in this life) comprehend the weight of that obedience and everything it truly did.
Even the glimpse is life giving.
Even the glimpse is awe inspiring.
Even the glimpse is humbles us to our knees.
May we delight You today.
May we appreciate You today.
May we bring honor and gory to Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.
On earth as it is in heaven.
Glory to God on Good Friday.
May our hearts be filled with gratitude, humility and love.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Take a few extra minutes to Thank God for His gift to us right now.
Cheers! Have a miraculous Good Friday. :)