God the Tiebreaker Strategy

Do you realize how many times you are playing "Tiebreaker" in your head?

Between two choices that you could go either way,
You justify, over-analyzing and over-optimize.
When in truth, you're fine with either.

We are silly humans, aren't we?

Here's another great way to integrate God into your day AND save a lot of brain damage.

Have you ever let God be the Tiebreaker?

It's great.

It's a simple yet effective strategy to integrate God into your life even more.

Here's how it works...
Step 1) When we have a choice between 2 or more options, we can get stuck going back and forth and over thinking the pros and cons of each option.

Step 2) Ask God. Listen. Obey.
Feel a calmness and peace about it. It's great!

Example #1) Grocery
I was going to an Asian grocery store and there are 2 close to each other.
I usually go to both so I was trying to figure out which one to go to first.
I was literally going back and forth in my head while driving.
I noticed that my brain was getting tired of over-analyzing and I realized I didn't even ask God once!

"God, which store should I go to first?"
I quieted my mind and listened as I drove.
"The first one."
It was a seed of a thought.
Not even an audible voice, but I knew it was Him.
"Ok. That's the one."
I didn't have to think about it anymore or argue with myself over it.
The rest of the drive was lighter and more pleasant.
I had no stress or worry about the decision.
It's that simple.

Example #2) Snacky snacky
I just finished my dinner.
I'm full, but I'm feeling a little snacky. I love having a little sweet after my meal.
I'm thinking ice cream. Mmmm... but should I?
Yes. No. Maybe. Yes. No. Yes. Argh!
I can feel my frustration rising.
Oh wait. Let's ask God.

Me: God, can I have some ice cream?
Would it please you for me to have ice cream?
God: No.
Me: Crap. I'm still snacky. Can I have anything else?
God: Blueberries.
Me: Oooh... I like blueberries too! Are You sure blueberries?
God: Yes

I had blueberries. It hit the spot. It kept me from eating something I know I shouldn't. I even got a satisfying alternative.

It's the little things that count too.

The reality is...
That decision saved me reacting to dairy, getting gassy, having stinky farts and regretting it later.
The repercussions of asking God is countlessly beneficial.


When in doubt, ask God.

When stuck, ask God.
When arguing with yourself in your head, ask God.
"God, what do you think?"
Wait and listen.
He'll reply.
He always does.

Pay attention to the smallest seed of a thought that comes up and listen to it.
Especially if you're stuck between 2 choices you could go either way...
Save yourself the brain damage of over-optimizing and over-analyzing.
It's great!

Plus, it's another rep of exercising the muscle of listening to God.
Any excuse to connect with Him is a good one.

Every time we connect with God through any touch of communication,
I believe we get a little deposit of faith and peace.

When you do a lot of it...
It really adds up.
When you make excuses to jump into scripture for 30 seconds during the day and soak in His word for a moment, it's a bigger deposit of peace and joy into your day.

Try it.
Whatcha got to lose?
It's all about being STRATEGIC in connecting with God throughout the day.

Here's another few examples:

Example #3) Setting an Appointment
- When setting an appointment I may have several options available. Instead of going back and forth in your head, just ask God "What time slot do you want for this?"
- Then focus on listening see which time slot you feel drawn to.
- "God, is that one?" ... you may feel or hear a little nod or a yes. There will be a peace about it that feels good.
- Book the appointment!

Lean into Him by faith.
Little by little.

Example #4) What to do next?
- I'm done with a task early. For my next task I have 3 to choose from.
- Instead of battling it out in your head and over-thinking it, ask God.
"God, which one do you want me to do next?"
- Take a deep breath and listen. Notice anything you hear. Whatever comes top in your mind. That's the one.
- Sometimes a specific task comes to mind. Sometimes, it's "Spend time with Me". So I get a few extra minutes of God time. In that case I read a quick verse or step into gratitude and thank Him for all the things that come to mind or ask Him a question.

- Whatever you hear, you can confirm with God "Is that the one? Would that delight you to do next?"
- Notice anything in your thoughts and you may feel or sense a little yes, nod or smile along with a sense of lightness or peace.
- Bingo. Go for it.

Example #5) Shopping on Amazon
- OMG, there are so many options in Amazon I can easily get lost or add everything to my cart.
- When I realize it's getting heavy, I ask God "Which one should I get rid of?"
- Then I scroll through my cart looking at one at a time and listen.
- Pay attention to a seed of a thought that is yes or no.
- As I sense "yes", I check once more... "Delete this one?"
- I listen. If I hear or sense "Yes" I breath in and pay attention to the peace surround it. If it seems right... Ok, I hit the delete button and go down the list.
- Seriously I used to order a TON of stuff and return 99% of them cuz I wanted to try them all out since I knew I could return it. Then returning things became a giant task. God helped save a lot of time by doing this.

I hope these real-life (slightly silly) examples helped.
The bottom line is this.
Make an excuse to involve God into your life.

Every time I do, I discover a PRACTICAL benefit to it!
Who'd a thunk it?!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

What creative ways have you integrated God into your life?
Reply and let me know so I can learn from you and share with others.

Have a beautiful day!
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