God's Family Business
Do prayers matter?
Does it make a difference?
Why or why not?
The best answer is through the analogy of "God's Family Business".
Imagine a wealthy billionaire father with many kids.
He loves the kids dearly and wants the best for them.
This father also created an extraordinary family business.
Although the father is so wealthy he can easily give each child millions of dollars, he doesn't. (God could dump blessings on us, but He doesn't.)
It's important for the children to develop skills, work ethic, a desire to yearn, learn and earn. (It's important for us humans to learn and grow through faith.)
As the father loves spending time with his children and teaching them about life. (God is our guide, teacher, comforter and savior. He loves having a personal relationship with us.)
But as the children go through their teenage years, they drift away from the father, but he patiently watches them, protects them from behind and awaits their return. (Humans often turn away from God, but God is always faithful to us.)
The father's deepest desire is for his children to be an integral part of the global family business. (God's business was the universe itself. He created earth just for man. For man to rule it as a part of the family business.)

Oh, how the father desires to work together with his children and see them develop their talents and skills. (God knows our BEST life and wants to see us live it.)
O, how the father loves to see his children blossom and flourish. (God wants to fill our cup and make it overflow.)
O, how the father loves to hear the voice of his children. (God loves to hear our prayers.)
O, how the father is moved by the voice of his children. (God answers prayers.)
Can you understand the heart of the father?
If you do...
Do you think the voice of the children (prayer) matters to the father?
Do you think his heart is moved by his children's earnest requests?
Does God love us enough to change His mind?
Here's examples of God changing His mind:
Abraham negotiated with God and changed terms with saving Sodom and Gomorrah.
Israel asked for a king when God didn't want to, but gave them one anyways.
Samson got a second chance by praying earnestly even after he broke his agreement with God and lost his strength.
In conclusion...
Our prayers DEFINITELY matter.
Our prayers make a difference to God and to us.
We don't know the full possibilities of prayer.
So why limit it?
Prayer is used to heal, tear down strongholds, create miracles and give thanks and praise.
Prayer is a powerful tool we have only begun to understand.
Prayer is a weapon and shield.
Prayer is a warm fuzzy blanket and a breath of fresh air.
Prayer is our communication with God.
Don't underestimate prayer.
Prayer has unlimited possibilities.
Dare to explore.
Dare to wonder.
Dare to pray.
Remember... God wants a family business where he works WITH his children.
God wants you to be an extraordinary part of His plan.
God wants you to live your BEST life.
God wants to hear your prayers.
The crazy thing is...
God knew we would break his heart, but he created us anyways.
He would rather love us through the heartache than not have us at all.
God knew He would have to sacrifice His only son Jesus to die a brutal death on the cross.
He created us anyways.
He loves us THAT much.
God's family business is to rule the universe.
All his creations, man and angels (and who know what else), is a family business team.
God loves to share the experience of growing, learning, ruling, and creating.
Just as father CEO would delight in his son wanting to partner with him in business,
God would delight in our prayers to align with His will.
God would delight in our prayers to be boldly used by Him.
God would delight in our prayers to move the kingdom forward.
O, how it would make His heart sing!
O, how it would put a smile on His face!
O, how the heavens angels would rejoice!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
"O Lord, hear my prayers.
O Lord, use me boldly and beautifully.
O Lord, use me in a mighty way to move the kingdom forward.
O Lord, light my heart on fire and lead me how to share You and teach others how to do the same.
O Lord, use these prayers to wake up an army for you.
O Lord, hear my prayers. Amen."
God would delight in our desires to serve Him and be used by Him.
Just as humans have a desire to have kids and a family, so did God.
Just as humans want to see their children grow and prosper, so does God.
"Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him."
God birthed us through creation and gave us a part of the royal family business; to rule all things on earth.
God is...
A father who wanted to have a big family business.
Remember how much you love your own child.
Think about how their desires move your heart.
When we pray...
"God has surely heard; He has attended to the sound of my prayer."
"Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live."
God wants to hear from you.
He delights in hearing from you.
Your prayers WILL make a difference.
He's waiting for your prayers.
Hope this moves you to prayer and developing your PERSONAL relationship with God.
"The conversation IS the relationship".
What does your prayer life look like?
Your prayers are your relationship with God.
Don't underestimate its power.
Explore it.
Wield it.
Be honored by the fact we can talk to God directly.
God is good. All the time.
All the time. God is good.
Cheers to your success!