God's Jello Peace... Mmmm
It's time to raise the bar.
For decades, I compromised to a pitifully low level of peace.
I caved into the LIE that real estate is SUPPOSED to be crazy.
I accepted the lie that I'm SUPPOSED to run like my hair is on fire.
That mindset is a trap.
It's what the rest of the world believes, but you don't have to.
God says "Be anxious for NOTHING, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
When God said "Be anxious for nothing..."
It was too simple.
It was too good.
My brain automatically ignored it.
I couldn't imagine the possibility of being anxious for NOTHING.
If you're anxious for nothing, that's peace.
I couldn't imagine having peace ALL the time.
It was so impossible, I didn't even bother to try to see it that way.
Until recently...
I was going through a really rough time in business where I lost multiple key people at the same time during the holidays.
Just the emotional part of it was rough.
People you trust leaving you after 5 years with 24 hours notice while saying how much they care about you and the company.
I had things done to me I would never do to anyone else.
Not gonna lie... My heart had a hard time with that.
It was ROUGHl
I had to focus on the big picture and not the details that made me hurt.
Easier said than done.
Like most heart crushing events in life, this ended up being blessing in disguise.
Because of the struggle, it made me lean harder into God and prayer than ever before.
I made God my refuge.
I made God my secret hiding place.
I called upon God's promises for green pastures and still water.
I sought strength from Him in my time of weakness.
I cried.
I fasted.
I waited.
I listened.
Then the craziest thing happened.
Even when I had every reason to freak out and panic,
Even when my work load was about to triple,
Even when I felt totally overmatched,
I felt peaceful.
I felt so peaceful that I didn't feel an ounce of fear.
I felt so peaceful I thought I was numb.
I felt so peaceful I thought my emotions were turned off.
I felt so peaceful I found myself looking around to see if my brain was still working.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being high)... I was at a 10 out of 10 level of peace.
This went on for a day...
Then days, then weeks, then months on end...
And still remains to this day.
This is how I know peace is possible over an extended period of time.
This is how I know that God wanted us to have supernatural peace ALL THE TIME.
Supernatural peace all the time?
At first your mind wants to reject it.
At first you want to say it's not realistic.
At first you can't even fathom the possibility.
Now remember...
Remember that God is the creator of the universe.
Remember that God is infinite.
Remember that God doesn't give us instructions half-heartedly.
When He tells us to do something, it's because He wants us to do it.
Wrap your head around this:
God instructed us to have peace all the time.
His ways are higher than our ways.
His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.
If God instructed us to have peace 24/7, He would never leaves us hanging.
He gave us the tools and ability to have peace 24/7.
Remember in the bible where Paul was in jail singing praises and sharing God?
He seemed DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY inspite of his physical condition.
This is GOD QUALITY peace.
God's got the good stuff.
If you think about it, people pay big bucks to be DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY.
People get hooked on drugs to be DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY.
People get high, smoke out, shoot up, eat their heart out, drink like a fish, become shop-a-holics, obsess over physical appearances, money and wealth...
ALL to catch a glimpse of being DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY and PEACEFUL,
Something that God offers us everyday for free.
When you have God's, my friend and mentor said it best...
"I feel like JELLO right now, which is awesome."

God's JELLO Peace!
Whether you know it or not, we are all striving for God's JELLO Peace.
So now what?
Back to real estate and real life.
Should we be ok with running around like a chicken with our head cut off?
Should we accept "exhausted & crazy" and think it's normal?
Raise the bar.
Here's the NEW bar:
You should feel so peaceful you feel like JELLO.
Nothing can bother you.
Nothing can phase you.
You feel like you just came out of a spa...
JELLO Peace.
When you feel anything less than JELLO Peace,
You know something's wrong.
Anything less than JELLO Peace,
You go immediately go God.
God is the only one that can give you JELLO Peace.
God's JELLO is the good stuff.
No substitutes available.
Don't settle for less.
Make JELLO Peace the NEW bar for peace.
Anything less is NOT acceptable.
Can you imagine JELLO Peace ALL day long? (Mind blowing, I know)
Is it possible?
With God it is.
I dare you to raise the bar.
I dare you to go for the JELLO Peace.
Can you sustain Jellow Peace for an hour, a day, a week?
This is like an Ultra-Peace JELLO Marathon.
Reply "YES" if you want to raise the bar.