Have You Gone Rogue...?
Armor on!
Shield up!
Battle is raging!
Except it is a SPIRITUAL BATTLE more than a physical one.
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."
The TRUTH is we are all SOLDIERS in God's army.
We can be a GOOD soldier or a BAD soldier.
And whether we know it or not,
Our actions have HUGE consequences.
Our actions have the ability to delay blessing for others,
Cause pain and suffering that could have been avoided,
Change the plan God originally had for your life.
Look at Saul, the first king of Israel.
God NEVER had planned to replace Him,
But it was a result of Saul's DISOBEDIENCE.
Look at the Israelites,
God NEVER planned to make them wander for 40 years,
But it was a result of their DISOBEDIENCE.
Look at Solomon,
The idolatry he brought into Israel impacted them for 400 years.
It was a result of his DISOBEDIENCE.
There's a quality about you that can be use for good or evil.
It can be an asset to God or Satan, take your pick.
I'm talking about your "Get 'er done!" drive and entrepreneurial spirit.
Yes, God gave you gifts as an entrepreneur,
As a visionary,
As a driver,
As a fearless leader...
BUT the enemy wants to use it distract you,
To jump the gun,
To disobey orders,
Not wait for commands,
But do things on your own,
To go "ROGUE".
We are at a breaking point,
Where we can be a GOOD soldier or be a BAD one by going "ROGUE".
Here's the difference.

In other words...
A GOOD solider, God can use.
A ROGUE soldier, God cannot.
(Remember Saul gets replaced by David)
A GOOD soldier God promotes and rewards.
A ROGUE soldier God disciplines and demotes.
A GOOD solider truly thinks about GOD first.
A ROGUE soldier puts HIS own opinion first before God.
A GOOD solider is more concerned about God's perfect timing and will.
A ROGUE soldier get impatient and considers waiting as doing NOTHING.
I was a VERY BAD ROGUE soldier...
I was a hot mess.
I had the heart to serve God but...
I didn't know God's heart,
Instead I had my drive and drive,
I didn't know God's timing,
Instead I had my time line,
I didn't know God's process,
Instead I had my strategy and plans.
I definitely know how to LISTEN for God's input.
I thought as long as I had a well planned strategy, that was good enough.
I thought if I took action on MY plans, He would bless it.
I thought if I was bold in moving MY plan forward, God would approve it.
I was impatient, proud and disobedient.
Do you know that that made me in God's army?
A liability NOT an asset.
The qualities about myself I regarded as strong and accomplishing,
Were actually distracting and destructive.
The qualities I thought "got the job done",
Really delayed the job God had for me.
The intellect I thought I had,
Was limited to cheap human tactics instead of God's infinite wisdom.
What the heck did God see in me? What a disaster!
Sounds like a recipe to get FIRED with no chance of re-hire! Sheesh!
God is so good.
He sent me people that were strong enough to stick by my side,
As He stuck by theirs.
He processed, shaped, molded, disciplined me,
In the most loving way,
Through all of it.
I went from an AWFUL soldier that should have been FIRED long ago,
To one that is pooping in her diapers and learning to go in the right direction.
Of all the businesses I started,
People hired,
Partnerships formed,
This has been the most grueling,
Transforming one of them all.
This journey of DOING business WITH God,
Becoming a GOOD soldier,
Is the most life changing experience,
With the LARGEST potential upside.
I have no idea what God's got planned.
But I am holding Him to His promises.
As He is preparing me and shaping me,
And I know He has a promise for you too!
His promise is that He KNEW you and planned every intricate detail of your life, your business, your finances, your health, your relationships before you were even born.
His promise is that He has GREAT things planned for you beyond your wildest imagination!
His promise is that He will ROCK your world and KNOCK your socks off!
His promise is that He will never leave you nor forsake you.
His promise is that in every deep valley of sorrow He will comfort you.
His promise is that there is no problem too big or mistake too ugly He can't fix and restore better than new for you.
These are the promises God made to His children,
His heirs,
His sons,
His daughters,
His servants,
His soldiers in this SPIRITUAL BATTLE called life.
I pray today that you get FIRED up about being a GOOD soldier.
I pray that you can see the harm and dangers of your way in impatience and striving.
I pray that your value doesn't come from your success but from who God says you are.
I pray that you can hold your head up high as a child of God,
And bend your knees as His servant.
I pray God gives you a transformed heart,
And spiritual eyes to see,
To seek God's will instead of your own desires,
And for divine BREAKTHROUGH that will change the way you operate, make decisions, down to the very heart and motivation of your business,
I pray that Holy Spirit will POWER all that you do in Jesus name, Amen!
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me be an GOOD soldier in your army and not go ROGUE,
Help me not create more damage than solutions for You,
Help me be valuable for Your kingdom,
Grant me spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear,
May I understand the weight of my actions and consequences,
May I work in harmony with your plan and timing,
May I NOT rush to do something You told me to wait on,
May I hear Your YES's and NO's clearer than ever,
May I hear the words Well done My good and faithful servant.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to becoming a GOOD soldier.
(If you think you're bad... wherever you are at, if God can change me, He can change you! Bwahahahaa ^_^)