Having Enough Time...

TOPICS: God 'n Business

Let me tell you about the biggest lie that seems so real...

"There's not enough time."

Who doesn't agree with that, right?


Why would it be a lie?
Isn't it obviously true?

(Imagine putting on a glasses with a different lense...)

Look at life through the lense of spiritual warfare...

What is the point of making everyone "busy"?


What we should ask is...
Is being "busy" from God or the enemy?

Here's how you can tell...

- Does it draw you closer to God or away from Him?

- Are you spending more time with Him or less?
- Are you desiring God more or less?

Busy in itself is not "bad". It depends on how we live it out.
ANYTHING can be used both ways - for good or bad.


But for so many of us, we get buried in "busy" stuff resulting in "Not Enough Time" with God.


Why would the enemy do this?

Goal #1: Draw you away from God.

Do you know ANYONE that says I'm so busy I need to spend more time with God?
Uhhh... nooo.

There's great reasons to be busy...
- Money
- Kids sports
- Family vacations
- New home
- New car
- New job
- Personal growth

Aren't those "good" things?


"Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."

Perfectly "good" things will be used to draw you away from God.
Satan will use the things God WANTS us to enjoy - friends, community, sports, health, business...
And use it to distract us and pull us away from God SLOWLY but SURELY.
He's a tricky little devil (punn intended).
He won't make a sudden move.
It will be slow and steady, like boiling a frog in water... 1 degree at a time.


Realize we need God, more than ever.
For ourselves.
For our children.


There are record breaking "panic attacks" in teens like never before.
This used to NEVER be a thing.
Now it's rampant and almost "normal".
No one batts an eye when a teenager or an adult has one.

This is a FEAR-based emotion.


"God is love."
"Perfect love casts out fear...whoever fears has not been perfected in love."

A simple example is...
When we have less of God, we have more fear in our life.

Check out our society today.
Fear is rampant.
Panic attacks are rampant.

The spiritual battle is real.

In all PRACTICALITY, we need God like we need medicine and healthy food.
God is healthy food for our soul (thoughts, emotions, desires).

We are feeding our soul junk food and seeing the results of it.

Before it get's worse, eat some healthy soul food.

Here are 3 Healthy Soul Foods you can start with...
Spend 5 minutes doing any of the following:
1) Pray. Chat with God. Ask Questions and Listen.
2) Listen to a sermon.
- This can be while driving, packing lunch or taking a shower.
3) Read the Bible.
Pick a fun story or genre. Here are some suggestions.
- 1 Samuel for some action
- Luke and Acts for more action
- John for some truth bombs
- Proverbs for some wisdom
- Psalms for some poetry action

Get down and dirty PRACTICAL.
Just do it.
It's good for you.

"Dear God,
open our spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear.
Deliver your children from fear and suicidal thoughts.
Bring peace into your hearts and a desire for you once again.
Grant us the desire to desire YOU.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Which 5 minute Soul Food is your favorite?