He Wants Our Heart, Not Our Hustle...

Have you ever felt like your hustle is your prize?
Do you hustle like it's a trophy to be won?
Does your hustle get celebrated by others?
..."Wow, look at her go!" or "Wow, she's a go-getter!"

I wore those praises as a badge of honor and pride.
I prided myself on the fact that I could out-hustle most everyone.

So where did that get me?

Well... X_X

Don't get me wrong, I love a good work ethic...
I love go-getters!
I love living with passion and fire.

But where the line between hustle and burnout?
How do you know when hustle is out of control?

It gets better...

We justify our hustle by saying...

"I'm doing it for my family."
"I'm doing it for their future."

"I'm working hard now so I can have a good life later."

Or better yet...
"I'm doing this for God."

That's a good one. O_o

Did you know that when it comes to God...
He wants our HEART not our hustle?

God doesn't need our money.
He doesn't need our "talent".
He doesn't need us at all, technically speaking.
We are NOT that great (you know what I'm sayin'?).

The only thing God ever wanted is our HEART.

"For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also."

However, when we choose to HUSTLE and ignore our family, health, relationships and God time, our heart is NOT with them.
Our heart is focused on our own desires, ego and goals.

Quite frankly, family and friends want more of our heart (time), than our hustle, right?

When is the last time you heard someone tell you that you're not hustling enough?
or that you're too lazy or slow?

My dear fellow crazy entrepreneurs...
That is not our problem, is it?

Our problem is that we can't sit still.
We can't be present.
Our minds are somewhere else and not with the person in front of us.
Our hearts want something else aside from the moment we are in.

"You will seek me and find me,
when you seek me with all your heart."

God and our loved ones...
Just want our hearts NOT our hustle.

What do you need to do today to hustle LESS and be MORE present with your whole heart?

Here's 3 things to show your loved ones and God that you care.
1) Spend 30 minutes with them with your phone turned off.
2) Schedule your 30 minutes with them like an appointment.
3) Don't think about other things while you're with them.

It's easier said than done, but it's the right thing to do.

Cheers to giving God and your loved ones what they REALLY want. ^_^
Gotta Start Somewhere
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