Heart Betrays You...
"Follow your heart" is celebrated as a noble way of life.
It's viewed as an enlightened state that surpasses logic.
However, the scripture states...
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick"

What does this mean?
Are we to never follow our heart?
Does everything have to be calculated and logical?
Just beware that...
We can't go on "feelings" or the "heart" alone.
Recognize that our heart is sinful in nature and will betray.
Our heart will use our "feelings" against us if we're not grounded in God's TRUTH.
God's truth is LOVE, PATIENCE and KINDNESS.
God's truth is to WAIT on Him even when we "feel" like moving.
God's truth is that He is ALWAYS with us.
No matter what.
These truths are like guard rails.
When you start bumping into them by NOT being in love, simply adjust yourself and get back in line.
Whenever you hear yourself saying I "feel" this and that, just beware!
Check to see if those feelings are loving... or angry and fearful.
For example...
You have someone that is raging at you with their words.
You have every right to fire back or silence them.
You "feel" angry and frustrated.
So now what?
You have 2 choices.
1) Our human reaction
2) God's LOVING response
The Human reaction will "feel" more natural and immediately gratifying.
God's response will not.
The nature of our flesh is sinful, therefore, God's way is contrary to our natural default.
Our human reaction may provide immediate gratification, but it will have long term damages.
God's response will have delayed gratification, but has fantastic long term results.
As you allow God to mold you and shape your heart, His ways will become more natural and satisfying.
Remember these truth...
"My flesh and my HEART may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
"For out of the HEART come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander."
"Hear, my son, and be wise, and direct your HEART in the way."
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your HEART and your minds in Christ Jesus."
When your "feelings" are about to betray you, just pray this prayer...
"Jesus, help."
Just call upon His name and He will send a battalion of angels to camp out around you.
Just by a simple invitation, He will unleash heaven's war chest to come and protect you.
"He will not leave you or forsake you".
The difference between FEELING alone and KNOWING that you're not is GOD'S TRUTH.
The difference between FEELING defeated and KNOWING the battle is already won is GOD'S TRUTH.
I don't FEEL you, but I know you are here.
I don't FEEL victorious, but I know you've already won the battle.
Help, Jesus. Help.
Here my prayers, God.
I declare victory in Jesus name, Amen."
When you ask Jesus for help, He will...
"Create in [you] a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within [you]. "
Have a beautiful day!
P.S. How is your heart trying to betray you with "feelings"?
How can you anchor it in GOD'S TRUTH?