Help my Unbelief...

Life can be tough,
Business can be tough,
The market can be tough,
Trying to be tough can be tough!

In times of uncertainties,
It's natural for doubt to creep into your mind.
But if you're like me,
You may be a bit addicted to solving other problems,
And don't ask for help solving your own.

There's a story of a father who begged Jesus to heal his son saying,
"But IF you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us."
That doesn't exactly endorse confidence, does it?
I'm sure he came to Jesus because he's either seen Jesus' miracles or heard about them.
So what's with the "IF"?
Jesus noticed it too and totally called him out on it saying,
"'IF you can'! All things are possible for one who believes."

Oooh... in front of everyone.

How would you respond if Jesus called you out like that?
Would you back peddle and say "That's not what I meant!"
I love how the father responded,
"Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, 'I believe; help my UNBELIEF!'"

He totally owns up to what he said,
He doesn't shy away from his weakness,
Instead he asks for help.

He believed in Jesus enough to seek Him out,
He believed in Jesus enough to beg him for help,
But there was still a part of His faith that needed help too.

That's like a lot of us.
We believe in Jesus,
We heard the Bible stories,
We listened to the sermons,
But there's still a part of us that may be unsure,
But do we ask for help?

When the market is shifting,
When uncertainty rises,
When the pressure is on,
You believe in Jesus as savior,
But when you feel hesitant and uncertain,
Do you ask for help like the father saying, "Help my UNBELIEF!"

When finances get tight,
When your juggling the dollars,
When things look a bit short,
You believe in Jesus,
But doubt still creeps in,
Do you ask for help like the father saying, "Help my UNBELIEF!"

When you've been working so hard,
When you're wearing down,
When you don't see the light at the end of the tunnel,
You believe in Jesus,
But you don't feel like He's that close,
Do you ask for help like the father saying, "Help my UNBELIEF!"

It's ok that our faith isn't perfect,
It's ok to get shaken,
It's ok to get rattled,
Just make sure to ask for help saying, "Help my UNBELIEF!"

God uses our weakness to show off His power,
Sometimes He lets us see how weak we really are,
Waiting on us to cry out for help saying, "Help my UNBELIEF!"

So if you're feeling weak,
If you're tired or exhausted,
Remember we're SUPPOSED to ask God for help.

The fact is we ARE weak,
When we think we're strong,
We're being dillusional,
We're blineded by pride.

We are SUPPOSED to rely on God,
We are SUPPOSED to seek Him for our daily bread.
It's not a sign of failure,
It's a sign of wisdom.

When we finally admit we are weak,

Then we finally give God permission to show up and show off.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

"For when I am weak, then I am strong."

When our strength ends,
God's strength begins.
We need to reframe "weakness",
Start viewing it as the start of God's strength,
Then we may even be able to delight in our weakness like Paul did.

"But take heart! I have overcome the world."
"I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

We have a God that already won everything in the world.
We just need to follow in His footsteps.

There's nothing we can't do IF we rely on God,

It's when we don't ask for help,
And try to do it on our own,
That we get into trouble.

Here's 3 ways you can ask God for help:

1) SUSTAINING POWER: When you're in a moment where you need an extra shot of help, close your eyes, take a deep breath and say "Holy Spirit, sustain me." Let your body relax and be still for a moment and feel God's sustaining peace and presence. Trust that God is going to sustain you and help you through the moment or the day.

2) HELP: Simply pray "Holy Spirit, help me." Then add whatever comes to mind. "I need your wisdom, I need rest, I need energy or... I need help with my unbelief!"

3) ADVICE: Always remember to ask an open-ended question about your situation by saying "Holy Spirit, what do you have to say about ______?". Once you ask the question, sit still and listen. Quietly and patiently wait for any emerging thoughts for at least a few minutes. This is how you actively seek God's voice that is the still quiet whisper or the seed of a thought.

The most important thing is that you're talking to God and communicating with Him.
Talk to Him like He's your best friend.
Confide in Him,
Ask for help,
Ask for advice.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

You know I'm a hot mess,
That's no surprise to You,
You already knew what you were getting with me when you created me,
And you still created me,
Thank You.

I need your help.
Help my unbelief,
Help my doubt,
Help my fear,
Help my anxiety.

Grow my faith,
Grow my love,
Grow my endurance,
Grow my perseverance.

Lead me through life,,
Guide my every step,
Sustain me in every way,
In business,
In finances,
In health,
In relationships,
In my walk with You.

Grant me the strength to follow You all the way,
Grant me the desire to pursue You all my days,
To receive everything you have planned for me,
Because that is my BEST life.

I want all that you have for me,
And to give You all I have,
I need your help with all of it,
I give you all the glory,
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to getting HELP from our Heavenly Father in Jesus name! ^_-
He's got you!
Trust Him.

Have an amazing day.
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