Here's a Blank Check...

What if you said to God, "Here's a blank check. Use it however you'd like."

What if you allowed God to really be LORD of your life?

Most of us is ok with God being our SAVIOR (the dude who get's us into heaven).

But how about LORD of our lives?
That means...
He's our life coach,
He's our nutritionist,
He's our relationship coach,
He's our chairman of the board,
He's our consultant, strategist and financial planner.

Giving God a blank check is like making Him our ultimate stock broker.
Letting God withdraw from places in your life, invest it, seed it, grow it and return an ROI that blows your mind.

Here's what we do.
We resist God when he tries to withdraw.
We resist God when he tries to invest.
We resist God when he tries to grow it.
We fight God all the way and many times sabotage His efforts so we never see the ROI and wonder why?

Aren't we just silly?

And many times we actually think we're being "super smart" about it too.
We are just too ridiculous, aren't we? ^_^

So let me ask you this?

What is God asking you to invest in right now?
What are you holding on to?
What are you not letting to let go of?

It's all about Risk vs. Reward.
What are you willing to risk for God?
What type of ROI are you seeking ?
Low risk, low reward.
High risk, high reward.

We're all about the high reward, but we are so stingy about the risk.

God says "Spend more time with me",
and we're like "There's not enough time, waaaa~~!" >_<

God says "Go left in your career",
And we're like "No, I wanna go riiiiight~~~, waaaa~~!"

What a pain in the butt we are, OMG!

No matter where you're at in your business, relationships, health or spirituality,
No matter where you're at in your walk with God,
He may be saying to you...
Was my arm too short to deliver you?
Do I lack the strength to rescue you?

Why do you worry so?

Why do you act as if I am not in control?
Is there a trouble I don't see?
Is there a situation I can't handle,
A mistake too big I can't correct,
A dream I cannot make come true?
What desire of your heart can I not deliver?
Where is your trust?
Where is your faith?
Have you forgotten who I am?

Remember, that the safest place to place your bet is on God.
He's the only sure thing.
You can't trust the stock market,
nor people,
nor the government,
nor your own heart.
But do not lose hope.

Rejoice in the fact that our God is our Big Papa Pump!
He's the large and in charge Daddy-o!
He'll never let you down.
He's with you in the valleys and guiding you to the peaks.
He's already paid the greatest price for our future,
So it's in the bag babyyyy!

These measly 80 years on earth is nothing compared to eternity,
So stop thinking small and think infinity.

Keep your eye on the prize which is Jesus,
And make him LORD and SAVIOR of your life for real, for real.

"Dear God,
Show me what it means to truly make you Lord of my life.
I may have been pretending and I want to play for real.
I want to place my bet on you.
I want to stroke you the BLANK CHECK on my life.
Use it, invest it, grow it and harvest the best ROI ever for me.
I trust in You.
Show me the way and help me follow.
Jesus I am Yours. Amen."

Cheers to an awesome ROI.
Go big or go home, baby!
High rollers, here we come!!!

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