Holy Spirit Gut Check...
Did you know that God is talking to us all the time?
He has many creative ways of communicating with us.
Much like we have the phone, SMS, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, snail mail, email and more, God has a variety of methods to reach us.
One of them is something I like to call the "Holy Spirit gut check".

Here are a couple examples of how it works in my life...
EXAMPLE #1: When the logical part of my brain says YES to something but there is some still small voice that is like "Eeerrrrr...", that is the Holy Spirit gut check poking at you to pause and think it through.
EXAMPLE #2: When you're talking to your wise counsel about an opportunity and although it looks good on paper, he or she may say "It just doesn't feel right", that may be Holy Spirit gut check at work speaking through them.
EXAMPLE #3: When I'm trying to decide something simple between the first or second option, there's something that tickles my brain and tips the scale to the first option, that can Holy Spirit gut check helping you out.
Whether we know it or not, God is always guiding our steps.
"And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left."
We are actually designed to HEAR Him,
To SEEK Him with all our heart,
To OBEY with all diligence.
God is a god of details and order.
He doesn't just "wing it" and hope for the best,
He is excellent and orderly,
The same God that created the laws of physics and mathematics,
Is the God that LOVES helping you out in the details.
Ironically, this BIG God of the universe,
Is rarely BIG and loud with His voice,
He's more often very soft and quiet.
"And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low WHISPER... And behold, the word of the Lord came to him"
This was when Elijah was hiding out in a cave scared for his life and God told him to stand on the mountain in His presence as He was going to pass by.
So as Elijah is waiting...
There are big forces of nature that pass by such as the wind, an earthquake and a fire but God was not in them.
God didn't come to him as a bullhorn or grandiose in size,
Instead He came to Elijah in a form so soft he could almost miss it,
A still small whisper.
That's what the Holy Spirit gut check is like.
We like to call it intuition.
We like to call it just "gut check" minus Holy Spirit, which gives all credit to us, but Holy Spirit can be a part of that too.
"Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
Because Holy Spirit dwells in us,
It's no surprise that He's communicating with us all the time.
So instead of being oblivious to it,
Make a point to notice it today.
Tune in to your 6th sense, your "intuition" aka Holy Spirit gut check.
When you feel something nudge or poke your conscience,
When something in your gut feels off,
Here's what to do...
1) Pause.
2) Ask "Holy Spirit, what are you trying to tell me?"
3) Wait & listen.
See what comes up for you.
You will be amazed at how ACTIVE Holy Spirit is in the daily minutia of your life.
Shocker O_o
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me be more sensitive to your Holy Spirit gut checks,
Help me recognize your still small voice,
Help me hear your whispers.
Help me stop being so loud,
So I can hear you better.
May I recognize your desire to be in every detail of my life,
Even the ones I think are too small,
You enjoy being a part of every thought going through my brain.
Help me understand the depth of love you have for me,
That I may open my arms wider for You.
Lead me,
Guide me,
Guard me,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to tuning into your Holy Spirit gut check! ^_^