How Can I Serve You Today?
I ask God for aloooooooot of things..
I ask Him for things every day!
Multiple times a day,
Throughout the day.
One day I was listening to a message,
And the speaker made the point that hit me like a ton of bricks.
She said,
We ask God for that WE want,
But when do we ask God about what HE wants?
**** GAAAASP~~~!!! ****
OMG, I didn't!
That was not my focus,
My focus was on ME,
And only ME.
I decided to change that.

Just as the speaker recommended,
I decided to as the simple question,
Ask "God, how can I serve YOU today?",
Then sit and listen,
Expecting an answer,
Writing down anything I see, sense or feel,
Just like I do with all the other questions about ME.
Taking time EACH day,
BEFORE I start asking God for MY stuff,
I ask God for what HE wants first,
"God, how can I serve YOU today?".
Out of principle,
Even in the way I ask for stuff,
I want to put Him first,
"God, how can I serve YOU today?".
I invite you to do the same...
Before your day gets started,
Before you ask for anything FROM God,
Ask what you can do FOR God,
"God, how can I serve YOU today?".
It's still going to be a 100 to 1 ratio,
We'll still ask mostly for OUR stuff vs HIS,
But let's start shifting the balance at least a little,
"God, how can I serve YOU today?".
Let's start being a good friend TO God,
And not just take, take, take FROM God.
God has feelings too,
And we should not take Him for granted.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me be a better friend to YOU,
Help me serve YOU better,
Help me love YOU better.
Forgive me for only thinking of take, take, take,
Forgive me for not thinking of YOU,
Forgive me for taking you for GRANTED.
Help me remember to ask You everyday,
Before I ask for anything for me,
"God, how can I serve YOU today?"
Speak Lord, Your servant is listening...
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to being a better friend to God!