How to Ask for Everything (Part 2)

I want to provide a couple more examples from the last message on how to ask God for EVERYTHING.

Keep in mind that God tells us to ask for EVERYTHING in the context of aligning with His will...

"And my God will supply EVERY need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

Not for selfish motives...

"You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions."

This approach is almost a reverse engineering approach.
You start with an objective that aligns with God's will.
Then we identify the blockades are keeping us from it.
Then we specifically pray into it.

Example #1: RUSHING

God's will is for us NOT to rush.

"Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way."

"A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished."

Our culture promotes multi-tasking, rushing and hustling.

However, the root of that is a FEAR of not enough time.
There's no example of Jesus rushing like a maniac.
If anything he was on the "slower" side that made the disciples antsy.

The truth is when we are so busy and multi-tasking, there's so much going on in our head we can't hear or sense God nudging or guiding us.
Rushing pushes God OUT of our lives.
Rushing crowds our brain with busy-ness and leaves no room for Holy Spirit to move.
It is Satan's deliberate plan to keep us from being sensitive to Holy Spirit causing us to behave and think like any other non-believer.

So let's identify the factors that cause us to RUSH.
- Fear of not enough time.
- Lack of trust in God's timing.
- Unbelief that slowing down can be a solution.
- Fear of not getting things done (achieving).

A prayer addressing these points may sound like this...

Help me to slow down and NOT rush.
Help me move at Your pace so I can feel and hear You,
Remove my fear of not enough time,
Help me TRUST in Your divine, perfect timing.
Help me with my unbelief that slowing down can actually work,
Remove my fear of not getting things done if I slow down with You.
I lay all of these things down at Your feet,
Your will be done,
In Jesus name, Amen."

God wants us to have control of our tongue.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits."

"Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble."

Have you ever failed at holding your tongue?
Have you given up on trying?
The good news is, it's not our job alone.

We need to ask God for EVERYTHING regarding controlling our tongue.

Let's identify the factors that cause an OUT OF CONTROL TONGUE.
- Anger
- Lack of patience
- Lack of gentleness
- Frustration
- Fear of NOT getting what I want.
- Lack of self-control.
- Selfishness

"Dear Jesus,
Help me. I have issues.
My tongue is out of control,
I can't control it myself,
I need Your help.
Help me with my anger so my tongue is not provoked,
Grant me Your spirit of patience and gentleness so I don't get frustrated so easily,
Help me not get triggered when I don't get what I want,
Help me with self-control,
Help me be selfless like You so my words do the same.
I lay all of this down at Your feet.
I can't do this without You,
Do Your good works in me,
Your will be done.

In Jesus name, Amen."

It's one thing to do the right thing,
But it's another to REALLY enjoy and delight in doing it.
I found myself forcing myself to do "good" things that God would want but it was like dragging a donkey up a hill.

As a result, I kept straying from God's will and doing what I wanted.
If you reverse engineer this,
It boils down to a DESIRE issue.

If I DESIRE and DELIGHT in doing God's will,
Then I'm doing something I WANT to do and it becomes light and easy.

"I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart."

Let's identify the factors regarding DELIGHT TO DO GOD'S WILL
- Don't have the desire to do God's will.
- Selfishness.

- Too much love for self.
- Lack of love for God.

- Lack of sensitivity to Holy Spirit.
- Deeply engrained habits and thoughts.

"Dear Jesus,
Change my heart so that I DESIRE and DELIGHT to do Your will,
Change my heart so I go from selfish to selfless,
Change my heart that I love You and others more than myself,
Change my heart so that doing Your will is fulfilling and exciting,
Change my heart so I can be sensitive to Your Spirit and feel what You feel,
Change my heart so that the old habits and thoughts are broken off of me and a new heart is created in me.
I praise You,
I thank You,
For doing all the heavy lifting,
And that I just need to seek and allow it.
Your will be done in my heart Lord.
Come Lord, come!

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to ask God for EVERYTHING.
Cheers to reverse engineering the blockers and praying into them.
Let God do the heavy work,
You just need to keep earnestly praying until it happens!

Get ready for a miracle! Wohooo!!!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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