How to be Heard...

Do you think all prayers are HEARD the same?
Are some prayers sweeter to God than others?
Are some better quality than others?

Let me ask you this...

Are all conversations the same?
Are the conversations where someone is giving you their undivided attention better than the ones where they're not?
Are the conversations when someone is just complaining and doing all the talking as enjoyable as the one where you get to talk too?

What does it take to have a good conversation?

There's a saying that "The conversation IS the relationship."
That's a strong statement.
And if that's true, what type of conversation do we have with God?
What does that say about our relationship?

Being HEARD in a conversation or relationship is very important.

As a matter of fact, people in Japan you can HIRE people just to LISTEN to you talk and just be present and acknowledge you. These are not professional therapists or counselors, these are normal people who are just being paid to LISTEN, like a Uber LISTENER, lol.

Oh my... what has this world come to?
However, that speaks to how IMPORTANT it is to be HEARD.

So how do we get to be HEARD?
Especially HEARD by God?
What is the value on KNOWING that God HEARS like He heard Jesus?

As with many important things, Jesus left an EXAMPLE.
The Bible says that

"[Jesus]... was HEARD because of his REVERENT SUBMISSION."

What's that?

Another translation puts REVERENT SUBMISSION this way, "His sinlessness and His unfailing determination to do the Father’s will".

This means that Jesus was more concerned about doing what God the Father wanted more than what He wanted as a human.

Jesus put God the Father's desires above His own.
Jesus SUBMITTED His desires and made God the Father's more important.
That is a natural byproduct of REVERENT SUBMISSION.

In short, Jesus' ATTITUDE made all the difference.

What's our ATTITUDE when it comes to how to talk to God?
Does our prayer show interest in what God wants?
Do we ask what He wants?
Wre we willing to park of OUR desires and submit it UNDER God's desires?

Those are natural byproducts of REVERENT SUBMISSION.

So if you want to be HEARD by God.
Our ATTITUDE is key.

If you're like me...
You may not have the best attitude all the time,
You may want to just get the green light on MY own plan,
And fall short of the REVERENT SUBMISSION Jesus had.

The solution is simple.
Simply ask Jesus to help you with it.
And He will.
He helps us of ALL the things we are lacking.
Thank God He does or I would be a hopeless disaster.
I have hope BECAUSE of Jesus,
I can change BECAUSE of Jesus,
I can learn REVERENT SUBMISSION with Jesus' help.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Create in me a heart for REVERENT SUBMISSION to You,
Grant me an AWE of You that is the fear of the Lord,
A HOLY fear that allows me to realize how AWESOME You are.

Let me not take You for granted,
Just because You are so close,
Just because You make Yourself so available,
Just because You are so forgiving.

Let me not take You lightly,
Just because You will never leave me nor forsake me,
Just because You are always faithful,
Just because You never fail.

Help me REVERE You more than the president,
Or my favorite celebrity,
Or my most adored singer,
Or my favorite sports team.

Grant me a heart that gives You reason to HEAR me,
Just like Jesus gave you reason to HEAR Him,
May I SEEK You with all my heart,
May I REVERE You and and have a HOLY respect and fear of You.

Help me LOVE You and RESPECT You in the way You deserve,
My Lord,
My King,
My Savior,
My refuge,
My comfort,
My peace,
My best friend.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to being HEARD by God in a whole new way! ^_^
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