How To Protect Your Timeblocks w/God
Do you have any timeblocks on your calendar that keep getting pushed around?
I DID!!!
I didn't mean to keep putting it off,
I know it's important,
But for some reason,
I keep finding something more important to do,
Even when I know better.
It becomes this THORN in my side,
And every time I think about it,
I cringe and feel a stab of guilt for procrastinating so long.
These THORNS poked many areas of my business...
Lead generation,
Accounting stuff (taxes, yuck),
HR stuff,
Reading mail or email,
Big projects,
Small projects,
There's something in every category, right?
These became mental battles that I kept on losing,
For several reasons..
1) I keep procrastinating.
2) High expectations in the timeblock.
3) Struggling to meet such expectations.
I came across a new way of setting and protecting these timeblocks.

There are 2 parts to this.
They both RE-FRAME the way you view things...
Integrating God into the timeblock is such a game changer.
One of the reasons we keep putting off a task is because we don't see it as important enough.
Our perspective is wrong.
We see tasks as something we're doing for ourselves.
But we're not.
The crazy thing is...
We can neglect our self much easier than we neglect something tied to a bigger purpose.
So here's the perspective RE-FRAME to try on for size...
This is NOT your business.
It's God's.
He put you in charge of it.
Just like the parable where the master gave his servants coins.
Some he gave one, some five and some ten.
Whatever coin God gave you in your business,
If you're not doing something in EXCELLENCE,
It's the same thing as burying that coin.
Procrastinating is the same as burying the coin every time.
Look at the business that God gave you as your ASSIGNMENT.
Your business is a part of God's mission and the vessel you are to ASSIGNED to steward well.
So now that one timeblock you keep pushing back because "you're only hurting yourself",
Is now a timeblock that is hurting GOD'S business,
And stalling your divine PURPOSE God has planned for you.
Whether it be lead gen, taxes, paperwork, meetings,
Is all a part of your DUTY to steward what God gave you.
And God is watching you...
"One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much."
How about this...?
One who is NEGLECTFUL in a little is NEGLECTFUL in much.
Can God trust you with what He gave you so that...
He can trust you with MORE?
If you don't steward what you have now well,
You won't get more.
OWIE, right?
But true.
I re-framed my whole business with this mindset and it help me a lot.
Once I realized that I was being neglectful and UN-faithful in what God has given me...
That was a bigger offense than I ever gave it credit for.
I realized I needed to get my butt in gear.
But HOW?
One of the big hold ups for me was the size of the timeblock I set.
I was ambitious.
I set 1 hr to 2hr timeblocks.
I kept saying, "I'll sit down and really knock this out."
Yeah right.
That just kept me pushing it back because it became such a daunting timeblock.
I began to dread it,
I got good at making excuses NOT to do it.
So let's fix all of that.
Start SMALL.
Do 15 minutes at a time.
But do it in EXCELLENCE.
And sandwich it in prayer.
So here's how it goes.
Step 1) Set a timer.
- Literally set a timer for 15 minutes.
Step 2) Start with Prayer.
- Submit your heart to God in this timeblock.
- Ask Him to bless it no matter how much you get done.
Step 3) Start the timer and Go!
- Until the timer goes off the ONLY expectation is to show up in EXCELLENCE.
- There's no pressure or expectation of how much you get done.
The first day might be just getting geared up.
That's ok.
FORGIVE yourself.
That's why it's called the FORGIVING TIMEBLOCK.
You ALWAYS win as long as you show up in excellence.
Step 4) Wrap it up with a quick prayer.
- Thank God for showing up and helping you be EXCELLENT.
- Bless what you have done and lay down the task or project at His feet.
Let it go.
You did your part.
God will do His.
Then the next day,
Do the same.
4 Steps.
EXCELLENCE for 15 minutes,
Sandwiched in prayer.
That's it.
Just do it.
Once you get 15 minutes down for a couple weeks, upgrade to 25 minutes if you need,
OR you can keep going at 15 minutes.
I have things I do for 15 minutes,
And others I do for 25 minutes.
I always ask Holy Spirit what to do when.
Doing it this way makes it lighter and easier,
It invites God to help you.
It reminds you of WHY you're doing this,
And WHO you're doing it for.
A little purpose acts like fuel to the fire.
Integrating God's purpose into your tasks.
Cuz God's got His hands on everything,
Even the small stuff.
Hope that helps!