How to Resist the Urge to Fear
The market is shifting.
Feeling the pinch, the pressure.
Isn't it natural to feel afraid?
Isn't it logical to have some panic in your life right now?
The human answer is yes.
The God answer is no.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear"
Is it possible to NOT fear when the market is shifting?
Isn't it almost expected?
Does it kinda blow your mind that you can walk through a market shift WITHOUT fear?
That's a real brain-twister isn't it?

Here's the thing...
We have a lifetime habit of fear.
Afraid of not making enough money,
Not enough time,
Fear of failing health, marriages, relationships, etc.
There is no shortage of fear.
So how do we actually apply God's truth in our lives?
The fight is in your THOUGHTS.
That's the non-physical, spiritual realm that is the battle ground.
The fight is over your MENTAL real estate.
What you allow.
What you keep feeding.
What you fight off.
What you accept.
What you reject.
Here's an example how it works for me.
Me: O crap, the market is shifting. O crap, my deals are taking longer and some are falling through.
Fear/Enemy: You're not going to have enough money. You're not going to make payroll.
God: Do not fear. I've got you.
Me: I need to hustle more. I need to rise and grind.
Fear/Enemy: Even that won't work. You're screwed.
God: I've got you. Trust in Me. Seek Me for all things.
Me: Ok... God did not give me the spirit of fear. Ok fear, shut up. You have no place here. Be gone!
Fear/Enemy: >_< Noooo~~~
God: Good job. Ok. Lean on me. See me for all things. I've got you.
Self talk.
We all do it all the time.
The power is in recognizing which self talk reflects God's truth of power, love and a sound mind... and which ones promote fear.
All 3 voice are real.
They are fighting for your mental real estate.
You have to evict them and put up an electric fence and keep them out.
The electric fence is God's word, His promises and His presence in your life.
Here's 3 things that can build that electric fence around your thoughts:
1) Read God's word (A cheat sheet is Google "bible verse provision" or click here)
2) Pray - spend time chatting with God
3) Music - worship and praise God for all He has done and all that He has planned. Assume the best from God. That is the definition of hope, confident EXPECTATION of God's goodness in your life. That God always keeps His promises to provide for you and be by your side.
When the enemy is trying to paint a gloom and doom picture in your mind,
When you start panicking,
When you start making rash decisions and you feel fear lingering behind it,
I'm not saying not to adjust.
Just be aware of how much fear is driving it.
BEST thing to do.
Make getting in a good HEAD space with God a priority.
Do NOT make decisions when you know fear is an underlying current in your thoughts.
You CAN get to a fear-free state when you do the 3 things above.
THEN, from power, love and a sound mind (self-control),
Ask God questions and get His approval for your decisions.
God, should I change X?
God, should I reduce Y?
God, should I increase Z?
God, should I eliminate A?
God, should I add B?
God, what do you want me to do?
Treat God like a business coach and mentor.
Treat God like the chairman of the board for your business.
How awesome is it to have God guiding you through the market shift?
How safe will you feel when you know God was giving you input through all of it?
Logically, it's the smartest thing you can do.
So just do it!
Ask God.
Seek Him for ALL things.
God's got you!