How to Share God (Part 1)

How do I share God?
How do I "save" someone?

These things were NEVER taught to me.
I grew up with lots of church.
My grandfather was a pastor and so was my dad.
How can I NOT know, right?

Before we get into that,
Let's remember what's REALLY important.

If you take away all religion,
If you take away all denominations,
If you take away all the puffery...

God only wants us to do 3 things:
1) Love God
2) Love Others
3) Share God / Make Disciples (w/the intent to SPREAD Him, aka The Great Commission)

FYI: The Great Commission is...
"Make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

Looking at the list, I realized I was weakest in#3.

How do I even begin to "Share God" much less make disciples?

Do you just go up to people?
What do you say?
How do you start?
There's gotta be a process, right?

This was a big mystery, so I never touched it.

Let's get real...
Talking about Jesus feels awkward enough..
To do it without a strategy or process?
Yikes! It prevents ALOT of people from even trying.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

However, I want to share 3 Simple Steps to Sharing God that is EASY.

It's all about LOVE.
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you CARE.

CARE to know the person. (Build a Relationship)
CARE to ask about their story. (Build a Relationship)
CARE to understand their joys and pains. (Build a Relationship)
CARE to save or renew them spiritually. (Build a Relationship)

This is the epitome of LOVE.

Ok, so here's the 3 steps on How to Share God.

I'll give you a real-life example from last week so you can see how the steps look and sound like in a person.

The Story of Julio - (The Big Black Guy Who Took Up Half My Seat) 

Step 1) Build Relationship Part 1: Ask about their Life Story

  • I'm on the last leg of my flight from Houston to Corpus Christi, TX. The plane was small and the seats are even smaller.
  • As I settled into my window seat, this big black guy shadows over me and slowly sits down on my left and takes up his whole seat and half my own! I try to be understanding as he is just a big guy, not fat, just big and wide.
  • I tried my best to lean towards the window so I wasn't contstantly touching him. 
  • I finally got situated and proceeded to plug in my ear buds in and tune out the world. Just as I got comfortable, I thought rose up and ticked my brain. I remembered the prayer I had as I got ready for this trip..."Dear God, use me boldly to move the kingdom forward. Help my sisters at the retreat get to know you and be on fire for you. Amen."
  • Being reminded of my prayers, something didn't sit right. The thought continued, "You're on you're way to an event asking God to use you to bring people closer to Him. When should you start?" 
  • I felt my heart shift. I sank into my seat with realization. I was wrong to try and be a hermit on the plane. If I want to be used by God, it's not an on/off switch. It's a promise to be ready whenever, wherever. I knew what I had to do.
  • Looking over to the big black guy, he did not look interested in talking, nor did he have a friendly demeaner as far as I could tell. But sitting next to him silence was not an option so I stepped forward in faith and a silent "YOLO! Here we goooo!!"
  • "Poke, poke, poke." I tapped the big guy on his stocky, thick shoulders. He made my fingers look even smaller than usual. 
  • His head and body turned to me in slow motion. His expression said "What do you want little girl?"
  • "Hi, I'm Christine what's your name?" He looked perplexed and reluctantly replied, "Julio."
  • "Hi Julio, where are you from, do you live in Texas?" I was surprised at my own energy and perkiness. "I'm THAT girl." I thought. "OMG." I ignored the mocking thought and pressed forward with the conversation.
  • It turned out he lived in New Orleans and worked in Texas. He had a work schedule that was 10 days on 7 days off so he travelled alot. After a few surface level questions about his work and travel, I asked the first key question in this process...
  • "So what's YOUR story Julio? Where did you grow up, what was life like and how did you get to where you're at now?"
  • I didn't know what to expect, but he reluctantly shared his story and I engaged in what's called "Active Listening". Listening and asking questions because I truly care to know and understand his journey.
  • At one point he said "You ask a lot of questions."
  • "Yes, people say that a lot. So tell me more about where you grew up. What was it like?" I continued to ask without hesitation. He continue to share. I continued to ask questions and learn more about him. After he finished sharing, I said "Thank you so much for sharing. That a very interesting journey you've had." 
Step 2) Build Relationship Part 2: Ask about their Spiritual Story
  • "Just out of curiosity what is your story when it comes to faith or spirituality? What did you grow up with? What was your experience and where are you at now?"
  • He proceeded to tell me he didn't believe in anything. Then in an other sentence, he said he knows there's something out. I got a little confused so I asked him gently but clearly "So do you believe there is a God or no?"
  • Then he said "Well, I pray for my mother and my family everyday."
  • This was getting interesting. His story kept on changing. In my heart I was praying "Holy Spirit, what do you want me to say? Where do you want me to go with this?" I kept on asking the Holy Spirit at every turn uncertain of what to do. I did not expect the conversation to turn out this way.
  • This was my first real conversation like this and I was leaning in hard to the Holy Spirit for guidance. Each step was uncertain. Each response was a small clue to the next question to ask.
  • "So you do believe in God enough pray for your family, is that right?" I asked. He nodded.
  • "In church, have you ever been baptised or said a prayer to invite God into your heart to get saved?" He shook his head "no".
  • "Are you familiar with what getting saved really means?" He shook his head no again.
Step 3) Ask for Permission & Offer the Invitation
  • "Would it be ok for me to share?"
  • "Ok." he said without missing a beat.
  • "OMG! He said ok. That was so easy! What next? God help me!" I thought to myself. Internally I was excited but outwardly I remained calm.
  • As my thoughts gathered, I realized in order to explain salvation and the reason Jesus came down and died, it had to reason from the origin of sin, Adam and Eve.
  • "Ok, so you know the story of Adam and Eve, right?"
  • "No." he said. 
  • "Is it ok if I share?" I asked. "Ok." he replied.
  • "OMG. That was so easy." I thought again. As I started to talk about Adam and Eve, I realized Satan was a critical part of it. I wasn't sure if he understood that part so I asked. "Are you familiar with the story behind Satan and the first rebellion?"
  • "No." he said agian.
  • "Is it ok if I share?" I asked. "Ok." he replied.
  • I explained how Satan was a top angel and the most beautiful one that got so proud he tried to overthrow God by convincing a third of the angels to rebel against God. It got him kicked out of heaven. Does that make sense?
  • After some time, God create Adam and Eve. They lived with God in heaven which had no pain, darkness or suffering because there was no sin. One day, Satan tricked Adam and Eve to disobeying God which was sin. They had to get kicked out of heaven because they sinned and sin caused them to have a life without darkness, pain or death which we all experience today.
  • But God love mankind so much that He found a solution to give us a second chance, to clean our slate by sacrificing his only son Jesus. It had to be a price that big to pay for the sins of every human being and give them a chance to be saved and rejoin God in heaven.
  • Being "saved" is as simple as accepting a gift, by inviting Jesus into your heart with a prayer. "Do you mind if I share?" I asked.
  • "Sure." he said. My head was almost numb with surprise. "How could this be so simple and easy? This is amazing!"
  • I laid my hands on him, leaned into his ear and he leaned his ear towards me. "Repeat after me." I instructed gently.
  • "Dear Heavenly Father, I invite Jesus into my heart as lord and savior." I paused and let him repeat after me.
  • "Who came and died for my sins." I paused again. He repeated. "And rose from the dead." Pause. "So I could have everlasting life."
  • "Thank you Jesus. Thank you." He repeated it. "Use me." I paused. He repeated. "Transform me." Pause and repeat again. "Thank you Jesus, Thank you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."
  • "Congratulations!" I said. "That's it! That's how simple it is to get saved."
  • "There's also another prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit to invite that. Is it ok if I share?" 
  • Again he said "Sure."
  • He repeated in every pause of the prayer just like before. "Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Transform me, use me in a powerful way to move your kingdom forward. Grant me a fresh new annointing in Jesus might name. Amen."


I felt like I didn't know what I was doing most the time, but the Holy Spirit was good and led me through it. By faith, stepping forward and doing my best, it somehow worked out.

I want to share with you how much EASIER this was than I ever imagined.  It's true...

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few."

To recap the 3 steps here you go...

1) Build a Relationship Part 1: Life Story
- Get to know them, their life story.
"Hi, my name is ___. What's your name?
Where are you from? Just out of curiosity, what's your story? Where did you grow up, what was life like and how did you get to where you're at now?"

2) Build a Relationship Part 2: Faith/Spiritual Story
Ask about their Faith/Spiritual journey.
- "Just out of curiosity what is your story or journey when it comes to faith or spirituality? 
What did you grow up with? What was your experience and where are you at now?"

3) Offer the Invitation
- Can I share with you
- Salvation or being saved is the easiest, simple thing. It's just your choice to accept Jesus as lord and savior and invite Him into your heart. I can share a quick prayer if you'd like. Just repeat after me.

"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I accept you as lord and savior who came down and died for my sins and rose from the dead. I accept this gift of salvation and invite you into my heart. I ask you to transform me and use me. I thank you for your sacrifice to give me everlasting life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

- Congratulate them! "Congrats, you're saved! You accepted Jesus into your heart and by faith you accepted the gift of salvation. That's it. It's that simple. And Christianity is about 3 simple things. Love God, Love Others and Share Him / Make Disciples. So just like I'm sharing with you that God loves you and wants to be with you. You have the same Great Commission to do so. Share the truth about how easy salvation is. It's a gift. Just invite Jesus into your heart and ask Him to transform you from the inside out. He will. He never fails. I love you sister/brother! I'm so proud of you. God is so proud of you."
- I just want you to know this simple truth. God just wants us to do 3 simple things. 1) Love God. 2) Love Others 3) Share God and teach others how to do the same (Make Disciples). That's it. Humans have messed up God with religion and complicate things. It's super simple. It's all based on LOVE. Just bear that in mind as you grow in your personal relationship with God. That's what matters most. You and God. It's a personal relationship. You can talk to Him like a friend, father, comforter, teacher. Just talk to him like you're talking to a best friend - all the time.

It turns out...
Sharing God is easy.
The unknown made it mysterious and difficult.
Go make friends.
Build relationships.
Open up the conversation.
Be bold enough to ask out of curiosity.


Friends, pray for boldness and courage to share God in a delightful way.

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I unleash for the spirit of boldness, courage and faith to fall afresh on me in Jesus name.
I ask for a fresh new annointing to light my soul on fire for you.
To see opportunities, hurting hearts, hungry souls and feed people your living water.
Make me a powerful force for your kingdom.
Move the kingdom forward in my family, business and life.
Let all that I do be pleasing to You.
Shape me. Mold me. Transform me.
Make me a warrior for the kingdom to claim victory and build an army for You.
I pray in Jesus name. Amen."

Scripture says:

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few."
"open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest."

Can you see it?
There are bucket loads of people who are so willing to hear.
There are bucket loads of hearts that are curious but not brave enough to ask.
There are bucket loads of souls who are yearning something real but don't know what they are yearning.

I pray that you can believe it before you see it.
I pray that you feel the hunger and thirst that yearns to be filled with Jesus even if they don't know it.
I pray that your spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear are opened so you can operate in the supernatural from here on forward.

I declare victory and a whole new life and path that will fill you with Holy Spirit fire in a whole new way.

Glory to God and His almighty ways.
Get ready to rock and roll!

God is good, All the time!

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