How to Share God (Part 2)

There's a super simple way to share God.

When someon is hurting in their heart, what they need is Jesus.
Nothing else on earth can comfort them and provide a solution better than Jesus.
It's simple logic.

The approach is simple.

Example: You see someone hurting. It may be a breaking of a marriage, health condition, death or depression. Any type of hurt or loss.

Simply offer a prayer.

"Would it be ok if I pray for you?"

My exprience is this...
The greater the pain, the more open they are to almost anything.
I 100% believe that Jesus is be best solution for healing and wholeness.
Nothing else on earth can compare.
So why would I offer anything different?

Anytime you feel a person's pain or a tug on your heart, that's God's way of saying they need Him.
If you feel any tickle of the brain or desire to pray for them, do it.
That is the move of the Holy Spirit.

The worst they can say is no.
Don't let the fear of rejection keep you from offering such a great gift.

The enemy will use fear of rejection to prevent you from sharing God.
The enemy will use your insecurities, pride or ego to shame you from sharing God.

Fight the enemy...
Focus on what would make God happy?

What would put a smile on His face?
Seek the Holy Spirit in times of uncertaintly.
Ask "Holy Spirit, do you want me to offer prayer?"
If you feel a gentle nudge or a peace that surrounds you, go for it.

The offer to pray is gentle.
It is kind.
It is loving.

If they say "yes" that's great.
If they say "no" that's great.
The result doesn't matter.
Your OBEDIENCE to your calling matters.

Here's an example of a prayer when a friend's heart was breaking. She didn't pray or go to church. She grew up Catholic but no real connection to the church or God. She hadn't thought about God in a long time. But in her time of hurt I asked "Do you mind if I pray for you?". Through her sniffles and tears, she squeaked out "Sure." So I prayed...

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I lift up ____ to you today.
I pray for your love, peace, gentleness and kindness to cover her from head to toe. Saturate every cell in her body, her thoughts, hurts, desires and dreams.
Cover her in your presence and heal her heart.
Comfort her. Cradle her in your arms and protect her today.
In Jesus name, I place a hedge of protection around her.
I place a wall of fire of the Holy Spirit to guard her thoughts, words, actions and desires.
Let it be pleasing and holy to you.
I declare healing, wholeness, faithfulness, gentleness, hope, and love into her life.
I unleash the fullness of your plans into her life in Jesus name.
I declare victory in Jesus might name.
I seal these prayers with the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen."

Do not judge the outcome.
Let God handle the rest.
You did your part.
You were obedient.
SURRENDER the rest.

This whole process is very loving and gentle.
Your heart will be full no matter what.
It's fulfilling to know you are part of God's plan.
And ohhh... He has a plan for YOU!

Take the first step.
See the opportunities in front of you and take it.

If you believe in the power of prayer, use it.

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."

If you believe in the power of prayer, don't deny this gift to someone who needs it.

AFTER the prayer...
Let them know they can pray to God anytime. 

Let them know He loves them and will help when they cry out.
Let them know they can talk to Him like a best friend.
They can do "breath prayers" which are super short quick prayers that's a short sentence.
They can pray while working, jogging, eating, crying or driving.
Let them know prayer is easy.
Let them know how accessible God is to them.
Love on them and pray for them.

FOLLOW-UP after the prayer...
Make a point to check-in with them a few more times or regularly.

Offer prayer again and let them pray too!
Encourage and compliment them on their prayers.
Celebrate their growth and healing.

Here's the BEST part...
This is such a God thing that you can literally surrender all results to God.

Stand in faith.
What we see with our human eyes and hear with our human ears is not the whole story.
We can't "see" a stirring in their heart or spirit.
We can't "see" a seed that has been planted.
We don't know if later on that evening, they will drop to their knees in prayer because of the seed you planted.
You don't know.
Only God knows.
So just do your part and plant the seed.

Just KNOW that it's great no matter what.
Have an excitement like Christmas.
You don't know what the gift is going to be.
Child-like awe and wonder.
Child-like faith.

When you do, you will be...
Be bold with love.

Be bold with God.
Be gold to live a life with God.

What is an opening you see in your life today to pray for others?

Reply and let me know. Thanks!

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray for a boldness to share you.
I pray for courage to overcome doubt and fear.
I pray for a fresh new annointing to be a powerful vessel for you.
I pray for spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear the opportunities to share you.
Let me see the hurting hearts that need you.
Let me hear the crying voices that need a prayer.
Use me today.
Use me beautifully and boldly.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Have an amazing day!
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