I Am Available

I get it.

The day is packed.
No breathing room in between appointments.

So much to be done,
So little time.

This is the reality we live,
But it doesn't have to be the reality we choose.

Here's the thing...

When we leave NO margin between appointments,
We're also squeezing God out of the picture.

"God cannot speak to an unquiet mind."

So if I were the devil, here would be the commands...

"Devil's army! Do NOT leave any quiet space for mankind.
Pack it meetings, appointments, social media.
This is the new way to keep people from God.
Make it so that mankind forgets how to be quiet.
Make it uncomfortable and unnatural for them.
This is the subtle way to edge God out of their life.
It's subtle enough where it won't be alarming.
It's subtle yet effective.
Do NOT give room for God in their life.
Go! Prevent mankind from making time for God."

So what now?

What is the best way to fight this strategy of the enemy?


One step at a time,
One moment at a time...
Be available.

First, decide in your hear that you want to be available for God.
Second, say a prayer to reinforce it.

"God, show me how to be available for You.
I don't know how.
Help me find moments to invite You into my heart.
Help me have a hunger to connect with you.

In between appointments,
At the end of meetings...
Closing my eyes,
or in my heart while in a meeting.
Show me new ways to connect with you that delight you.

Help me be available.

It's simple.

As simple as taking a breath and praying,
"God, be with me. Amen."

When things get hard,
Pray "God, grant me Your strength, be my sheild. Amen."

When you feel overwhelmed,
Pray "God, make my burden light and easy. Amen."

When you have good news,
Pray "Thank You God! You are SOOOO good to me! Amen."

When you don't know where to start,
Pray "God, help."

Even if a call or meeting runs long, 3 minutes before the top of the hour, just pray in silence in your heart.

It's the little things that count.

God will meet you where you're at.
Take the first steps.
See what happens.

God has nothing but amazing things in store for you.

Just be available.
Just for a moment.
Just for a breath.

"God, I am available. Amen."
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