I Got Puffy... It Wasn't Pretty
I get puffy... do you?
It was really bad for me when I was #1 in my market and hanging around the top 1% agents across the country.
We were all doing TV, radio, thousands of dollars in ad spend.
People recognizing you from HGTV of from being on national magazines.
It was bad.
Real estate is a breeding ground for promoting yourself.
Signs have our faces.
Our "brand".
Offices have our names.
People know you by our name or advertising.
#1 this, #1 that.
How many units did you do?
What's your volume?
Oh, I just sold a $6 Million property or $100 Million in volume.
Yack, yack, yack.
How can you NOT get puffed up, right?
So as we swim around in all the puffery, it's easy to slip into how great WE are.
It's easy to think "My goals are so great and massive".
Chase the might dollar and lose your soul.
Been there.
Done that.
I'm always a work in progress.
Ego is so easy to entice.
Pride is a slippery little sucker.
You think you have it under control, but it gets out.
Pride is no small thing.
It was the original sin.
Satan got proud and thought he was better than God.
That led to rebellion.
It's because of PRIDE that we're all in this hot mess living as sinful, fleshy humans.
Here's a strategy I use to get outside of myself.
To humble my mindset.
To shift my perspective.
Whenever I begin to think I'm all that and a bag of chips...
Remember that God is the creator and architect of the universe.
My brain power can't compete with His.
He created gravity.
He designed the laws of physics.
And biology, art, music, math, everything.
Anything I got is like child's play compare to God.
Here's a visual on that...

In the graph to the left, we think our "big" human goals are so great.
Yes we may be 10 times more successful by our standards but compared to God's perspective (chart on the right), it dwindles down to peanuts.
Whether we want to double our six figure business...
Or to go regional or national with your empire,
Or to hit $100 Million in revenue,
It's still small fries compared to what God can do with you.
But when we think we're so great...
We don't let God in.
We don't seek His wisdom or guidance.
We rely on ourself 99% and 1% on God.
Sometimes when we're arrogant for a long time...
He has to kick our butts.
He kicked mine.
He humbled me.
He let me squash myself like a bug (with love) ^_^
Then when I came to him in tears and an empty heart and asked for help...
He answered.
He started cleaning me up.
He started processing me, teaching me,
Sending people into my life that can guide and coach me.
He starting teaching me how to love Him properly.
How to be ready to be used by Him.
Looking at the 2 graphs above...
Option A) My plan
Option B) God's plan
I chose God's plan.
You're an entreprenuer too.
Want bigger and better for your life?
Want to touch more lives and make an impact?
Want to be fueled by passion that burns hot, hot, hot everyday?
Want to do it with God?
Want to do something bigger than yourself?
How about with with joy, peace and happiness?
Want to be fueled by passion that burns hot, hot, hot everyday?
How about with excitement that's ready to conquer the world?
Want to do it with God?
He wants to do it with you.
He's waiting on you.
To invite Him in.
Ask him to enter your heart.
Give you His desires and make it all succeed.
What are you waiting for?
Your life's PURPOSE can be so much bigger than you could have ever imagine.
God says:
"For I know the plans I have for you...plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE."
Are you ready to quit playing small on the human level and do it on the God level?
Are you ready to level up?
2021 can be a start of a brand new horizon if you would just ask and pray...
"Dear God,
Come into my life.
Use me.
Use me to do something big.
Something massive.
Take my SMALL human things and make it a BIG God thing.
Use my mustard seed faith and use it to move mountains.
Take my desire to change lives and use it to change nations.
Is that possible?
If so, God, show me the way.
Make me hungry for You.
Grant me the desire to desire You.
I give you the keys to my heart, but I need you to do everything else.
This I pray.