I Needed You And I Didn't Know...

Lord, when you put a passion on my heart,

And it burned with fire,
It compelled me to move,
To step into purpose,
I needed You and I didn't know...

Lord, when I took action fueled with passion,
And a desire to change the world,
I forgot about You,
And tried to do it on my own,
I needed You and I didn't know...

Lord, when I took good intentions,
And acted on my own,
I used up all my strength,
I was left weak and feeble,
I needed You and I didn't know...

Lord forgive me for my foolishness,
Forgive me for trying to do it on my own,
Forgive me for thinking it was You when it was really me,
Forgive me for my selfishness and ignorance,
I needed You and I didn't know...

I was proud and I didn't know,
I was self-serving and I didn't know,
I was impatient and I didn't know,
I was holding grudges and I didn't know,
I needed You and I didn't know...

I realize now,
The road to hell can be paved with good intentions,
My good intentions alone will not build your kingdom,
My desire to change the world alone will not make you shine,
I need You and I know it...

Holy Spirit,
Come Lord, come!
More Lord, more!
Hands raised,
Knees bent,
Heart wide open,
I need You and I know it...

Dwelling Spirit fall afresh on me,
From the right,
From the left,
From the top and bottom,
I need You and I know it...

Lord, if You're not in it, I don't want it.
Whether it be 1 soul or a 1000,
Whether it be 1 dollar or a billion,
If I do it in a way where You don't know me,
Lord, if You're not in it, I don't want it.

If I lose all my possessions,
My name,
My dignity,
My health, family and friends,
If You're in it, I want it.

Teach me to be in complete, sweet, sweet surrender,
Knowing Your promises will lead me to a better future,
Knowing Your promises are the best in the universe,
Knowing there's no other God like You,
May my heart always cry out...

If You're in it, I want it,
If You're not in it, I don't want it,
I need You and I know it.
In Jesus name, Amen.

P.S. Today is the National Day of Prayer established by President Harry Truman in 1952. President Ronald Reagan selected the date of the first Thursday in May.

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Pray for our country and our leaders because God told us to.

"May God's will be done,
May God's will be unleashed through our prayer of ONE VOICE,
Crying out to God for a FRESH new Spirit,
A revival,
A revolution,
This world has never seen,
And will never need again.
In Jesus name,
Gotta Start Somewhere
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