I Want That!

Why isn't being Christian something where everyone is like "I want THAT!".

So here's the typical Christian:
  • Be "nice" (most of the time)
  • Go to church
  • Blend in
  • Don't cause too much trouble
  • Live a good life

Does that provoke you to jealousy and curiosity about Jesus?
Does that make you say "I want THAT!".

Not me!

Ok peeps...
So here's the thing.

Christians were NEVER meant to "blend in".

We are meant to stand out.
We are meant to turn heads.

We are meant to be on fire.
We are meant to change lives and nations.
YES Nations!

"Who me?"
Yes YOU!

Do you know WHY many people think Christianity is boring?
Because the "lame duck" version of it is... BORING!

But it's true.
Lame duck anything is boring... especially Christianity.

Compared to transforming lives and nations...
Sitting on your duff and wondering, "When does this week end?" is lame.

That's because...
You're meant to live brilliant lives that makes others think "I want THAT!".

You're meant to be a catalyst to change and shape families, communities and more.
You're meant to be a key ingredient to transformation in your family, school or community.

As a result, when others see you they're like... "I want THAT!".

I submit to you today that God wants you to be GREEDY.
But not in the traditional human sense.

Be GREEDY in the Jesus sense.
In the sense for moving the kingdom forward.
In the sense where you won't settle for less than amazing, knock your socks off spectacular that makes other say "I want THAT!".

Be GREEDY about your desire to be used by God.

Pray for:


If you focus on being hungry for God, He will fill your cup and make it overflow.
Then others around you will be like "I want THAT!".

... and then you point them to Jesus.

10 points for the God Squad.
You score every time you represent Jesus brilliantly.
You score every time someone experiences the love of Christ through your actions.
You score every time a heart is warmed by your words of encouragement.

... and eventually, they will say "I want THAT!".
... and then you point them to Jesus.

You get the picture.

Dear Jesus,
Grant me the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
Make me a tool for your kingdom,
Let me be your foot stool.
Let me play on the winning team of the biggest cosmic game ever.
Let me be the water boy,
Let me clean up the trash,
Let me open doors and flush the toilets,
Anything you have for me I will do with glee.
I love You.
I love being on the winning team.
Praise and glory to Your name.
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Cheers to you provoking others to say "I want THAT!".
... so you can point them to Jesus.

Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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