I Want to Wash Your Feet...
As we approach Christmas,
Celebrating the birth of Jesus,
Have we considered,
What would Jesus want for a birthday present?
What is most important to Him?
On the last Passover Jesus spent with His disciples,
Also known as the Last Supper,
Jesus did an unexpected thing,
He began washing His disciples' feet.
Back in the time of Jesus,
Washing feet was a lowly role,
So lowly that even the servant of the house couldn't do it,
And it was a job only for the slaves,
It was truly the bottom of the bottom task.
My brother told a funny story...
When he is hiring an assistant for his dental practice,
He will ask about what tasks they are willing to do.
Are you willing to wipe down counters?... The answer is yes.
Are you willing to take out the trash?... The answer is yes.
Are you willing to clean the toilet?... This is where it gets REAL.
Some people say yes, but then there are those who are adamantly against it. Some offering to cut their wage to avoid doing such a task.
Isn't that interesting?

And yet, Jesus' heart was saying,
"I want to wash your feet."
Jesus told His disciples,
"You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."
What was Jesus trying to say with this act?
What was in the heart of Jesus?
"I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."
What is the example that we are supposed to be following?
Is it possible that Jesus wants us to be humble like Him,
And have a heart to say "I want to wash your feet"?
Is it possible that Jesus wants a willing heart,
A heart willing to to get down and dirty,
A heart willing to do the unglamourous thing and say,
"I want to wash your feet."
Washing someones feet can look like,
Forgiving someone that has hurt you,
Being kind to difficult people,
Encouraging someone who complains and causes trouble,
Loving on someone who doesn't deserve it.
Who's feet is Jesus calling you to wash this season?
Who's feet are you LEAST willing to wash?
The feet that you LEAST want to wash,
May be the BEST gift you can give Jesus.
Are you willing to do it?
Are you willing to say,
"I want to wash your feet."
"I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God which cost me nothing."
Are you willing to sacrifice your ego and pride to please Jesus this Christmas?
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me wash the feet that You want me to wash,
Help me not be too proud,
Help me not resist Your will,
Help me be a tool for restoration,
Help me delight You with my sacrifice.
May I remember what You did for me,
May I remember the price You paid,
May I remember my place and my worth,
May I remember that I am precious because of You.
Pour Your Spirit into my heart,
And CAUSE me to walk in Your statutes,
To KEEP Your commandments,
And DO Your will.
Lord, who's feet can I wash for You today?
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to washing the feet that no one wants to do, aka loving the people that no one wants to love.