If... God is Bigger than Our Mistakes...
Sticking my foot in my mouth is regular occurrence.
There are times when I speak unwisely on small matters,
Then there are times when say the wrong things on important matters.
It's easy to spin into a thought pattern of "I shoulda, could, woulda...".
It's easy to replay things in your head and wish for a different result.
You know it's bad when it keeps you from sleeping.
That's where God comes in...

Do you believe that God is bigger than our mistakes?
Is there a mistake so big that God CAN'T fix?
Is there a mistake so big that it would be difficult for God?
Absolutely not.
We know that logically, but our heart doesn't always follow.
If you truly THOUGHT and FELT that God is bigger than all our mistakes...
Instead of feeling regretful about what you did or said,
You can pray "God, I trust and believe that You are bigger than any ding-bat mistake I can make. You have everything under control. I praise You and thank You for being so great and almighty."
Instead of replaying the scenario in your head,
You can pray "God, I surrender this situation over to You. It's in Your hands. I screwed it up but you can easily fix this. I need Your help. I will sleep in peace while You fight my battles for me, as You promised. Thank You Jesus. Thank You! Amen."
Here are a couple promise from God...
"The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."
(That sounds awesome... and easy.)
"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
(Sign me up!... Don't we try to take pills for that now? @_@)
So my fellow, stubborn, bone-headed entrepreneurs and humans...
If you're tired of fighting,
If you're tired of struggling,
If you're tired of the same crap over and over again.
Let God handle it.
That's probably the best delegation skill you can acquire.
Delegate your burdens to God.
He will make it light and easy.
He will give you the strength you need to succeed in every situation.
Seek. Listen. Obey.
Invest in yourself by investing your time into God.
Carve out some quiet time with the Big Guy.
He's waiting for you.
God is good, All the time.
All the time, God is good!
Don't carry burdens you were never meant to carry.
That's why you're so tired.
Let God do the heavy lifting.
Cuz He told us to. O_o
Durrr.... ^_^
Fight smarter not harder!