If You Haven't Heard... Asbury Revival... What's Going On?

Have you heard about the Asbury Revival?

If not, here's the highlights...

  • God's presence shows up at a university chapel service that causes college students to not want to leave!
  • They KEEP worshiping... for like 2 weeks STRAIGHT... still going!
  • It's ALL led by students.
  • Mostly worship, lots of scripture, testimonials, praying, repenting, getting saved. So gooood!!!
  • At first students from all around started coming.
  • Now people from all over the world are flying in to experience this.
I hand-picked some videos that give you a great taste of what is going on with our NEXT GENERATION in Wilmore, Kentucky.

We ALL need to get a piece of that action, right?!

How can we do that?


Seek God.
Ask, beg, plead, pray, fast...
DO WHATEVER you feel you need to do to get HUNGRY for a Revival.
For God to show up and show off.
It's time, people.

God's waiting on US to get HUNGRY.

Enjoy the videos! - Click here

(Cut/paste this link in your social media)

I literally sent a text to a crap ton of people in my phone.
You can use this message.

"I wanted to share some really cool info about the Asbury Revival on fire right now. Have you heard of it? If not, here's a page with some hand-picked videos regarding it. Check it out. Super cool. Pass it forward if you like it! Wohooo!!!


Let me know what you think."

The world MUST know!
Let's start with your neighbors and friend, eh? ^_-
Share the excitement.

Start your own revival!
That's what God wants us to do!

Do YOUR part.

Pass it forward and LIGHT IT UP!!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
Connect with Me