I'm a Turd... God Help Me
It wasn't too long ago that I was on my hands and knees praying for a my health.
Heck I was just happy with general healing.
Then God...
He showed off...
1 day after surgery,
When I should be laid up in bed on pain meds...
I was happy and energetic as can be.
Day 2 and 3...
The doctor and nurse warned pain would be at an high,
Instead, I was prancing around,
Walking 2 miles with groceries,
All scientifically unexplainable.
I was a walking, talking miracle.
Oh, how quickly we forget.
Now 3 weeks later...
I found myself grumbling about not being able certain foods,
and forgetting about the miracles God performed in my life.
Instead, there I was...
In a puddle of dissatisfaction.
Complaining about food "restrictions" that were there to heal me,
Unhappy with God's provisions in my life.
In my morning God time,
It was like a splash of cold water when I was told...
"You're unsatisfied with what God's given you,
What He's told you to do and provided for you.
It's a burden for you to stay the course."

What a TURD I am!
God help me.
My heart is so finicky.
Praising one minute and complaining the next.
And God still LOVES me.
He still puts up with me.
He still shepheards me back with gentleness.
THANKSGIVING is this week.
God has blessed this country so greatly.
We forget so quickly the blessings and miracles He's placed in our lives.
Wake up.
Don't be a TURD like me.
Remember the awesome things God's done in your life.
Remember the how many people around the globe have far less.
Be so utterly grateful that our heart wants to burst with love for God.
Earnestly ask God,
"How can I DELIGHT You this Thanksgiving?
How can I CELEBRATE You this Thanksgiving?"
God deserves nothing less than being DELIGHTED.
"Dear God,
Show us how to DELIGHT You today.
Grant us the DESIRES of Your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
Use me to be a vessel for your love, mercy and grace.
Teach me to love all over again.
To Love You.
Love Others.
Share You with Love, and teach others how to do the same.
Thank You Jesus, Amen."
Don't be a turd like me :)
DELIGHT the Lord today.
Cheers to your THANKSGIVING walk with God.