I'm Already Doing That...
There's a sneaky little vein that runs inside me,
A vein of pride that can almost go undetected,
One that wants to appear smart although I'm trying to be humble,
One that doesn't wants others to think "I don't have it figured it out."
I've seen it come out in me in the most unsuspecting ways,
It's another underhanded tactic,
That Satan uses to promote pride my life.
"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."
This is what I noticed I do...
When someone has an idea or suggestion for me,
If it's remotely similar to something I'm already doing,
I have an urge inside of me that causes me to say,
"I'm already doing that."

It's like I need to let them know,
That I already thought of that point,
That I got that covered,
And that what they're saying isn't something new.
Why can't I just say "Thank you. That's a great idea!",
Why do I need to make a point about me?
And here's the FRUIT of that comment,
I see the face of the person that was trying to help,
Deflated rather than elated,
Discouraged rather than encouraged,
And I realize, that's NOT the fruit of the Spirit at all.
What would it cost me to just acknowledge and THANK them?
What would it cost me to not be such a know it all?
Apparently my ego can't handle it.
My pride is a "me monster".
The underlying current of my response of "I'm already doing that".
It's like I didn't want to NOT get credit for something "I already thought of",
Therefore I couldn't let that person get credit for it.
Isn't that wild?
My flesh is so gnarly prideful.
If it weren't so disgusting it would be fascinating.
Now that I recognize it,
I have a CHOICE to do something about it.
First, pray for God to HELP me with controlling my pride,
Second, next time it happens, be on GUARD and just say "Thank you".
We all need to be ON GUARD for even the TINIEST trace of pride,
And get RID of it ASAP.
Don't let the seed of pride take root,
Because Satan will use it to pollute other areas of our life.
Pride is like poison for our soul,
It's toxic waste for our relationship with God.
That's why God hs such strong words regarding pride...
"God RESISTS the proud, But gives grace to the humble."
"One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor."
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom."
We're all susceptible to pride,
It's in our DNA,
We are a sinful creature until Jesus returns,
Prone to exhalting ourself before God,
Prone to becoming self-reliant,
Prone to become proud.
We don't have to work at being proud turd,
It just comes naturally,
Which is why we must be super DILIGENT in weeding it out.
"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your WORD."
Feeding on God's word daily will help strengthen our good spiritual muscles to take out the spiritual trash in our lives.
I pray that you remember God's heart around pride,
What it did to humanity,
How it tore us away from His arms,
How it caused Jesus to die on the cross.
Pride is a nasty, deadly poison not to be messed with.
Ask God to help us GUARD our heart against it,
That we may not sin against Him with our pride.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Guard my heart against PRIDE,
That I may not sin against You.
Remove my need to look good,
To look smart,
To seem capable,
And allow others to speak into my life.
Grant me an open and clean heart,
Renewed by Your Spirit,
One listens to You,
Seeks You,
And hungers for Your word.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to keeping our mouth shut and our heart open ^_-
Have a blessed day!