I'm Not Close to God...
In the midst of people talking,
About being on FIRE for God,
What if you're... NOT?
If you're thinking...
"I'm not close to God...",
"I never was...",
"Where do I even start?...",
"He wouldn't listen to my prayers...",
"I'm too messed up".
The great news is...
We're all messed up. ^_^
We all stray from God.
God always takes us back.
Saying one person's hot mess is worse than another would be like,
Two pigs rolling around in mud and one accusing the other of how much dirtier they are.

When God looks at you, me,
Or your neighbor, the president or pastor,
We're all the same to Him,
We're all His children,
And guess what?
You're His favorite!
Yes, YOU!
So am I.
So is your neighbor.
So is your president and your pastor.
God's love is so much richer, deeper and DIFFERENT than what we know.
In the Bible...
Jesus took the outcast and corrupt crooks of society (aka tax collectors) and hung out with them, went to their homes and even made one of them his disciple. (That ticked people off.)
Then Jesus showed love and mercy to a prostitute CAUGHT in the act and forgave her when no one else would. (That ticked more people off.)
Then Jesus forgave a thief on the cross and promised to take him to heaven. (Who'd a thunk it.)
The list goes on...
So if you're thinking "I'm not close to God..."
That's ok!
Everyone starts that way.
"God Will Meet You Where You're At"
And it doesn't matter how many awful things you have done,
Whether it's lying, cheating, stealing, drugs and even murder,
God will forgive anyone who is sincere,
He will draw close to anyone who is willing,
Even if you've messed up a million times,
Even if you feel like you keep messing things up,
Even if you feel like everyone has given up,
God will never give up on you.
"God Will Meet You Where You're At"
"If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?"
If you feel like the one that went astray,
Guess what?
God loves you!
So much that He will come find you and get you no matter where you're at.
If you grew up Christian but have ignored God for so long it's almost embarrassing to ask God for anything...
That's ok!
I ignored God for 20+ years and He took me back no problem!
If you did so many wrong things it makes you cringe just thinking about it,
That's ok.
Me too!
Welcome to the Hot Mess Club.
You're in good company with myself, everyone else I know,
And the tax collectors, prostitutes and thief on the cross in the bible!
"And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray."
And when you finally get over yourself and reach out to God,
By just saying "hello",
Or even asking Him a question,
He will GLADLY welcome you because,
God is a LOVING father with an infinite capacity to forgive.
Whew! Or else we would all be in big trouble. ^_-
When the prodigal son came crawling back to his father, his father didn't berate him. Instead this happened...
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."
And that's how God will treat you when you start reaching out to Him.
How do you start?
Just talk.
Just ask.
And listen.
Just have CHILD-like faith that God will speak to you.
Have CHILD-like faith that God loves you.
Have CHILD-like faith that DUH, of course God will answer you.
And write down what you hear, sense or feel.
"Dear God,
I'm here.
I don't know you that well, but I would like to.
Come into my life,
Come into my heart,
Teach me more about you,
Give me the desire to desire you more.
In Jesus name, Amen."
It's never too late to reach out to God.
It's ALWAYS a good a time to say "hi" and ask Him a question.
Then listen and wait.
What do you hear, sense or feel? Write it down.
God WILL respond.
He always does.
Cheers to new conversations with God! ^_^