I'm Sorry
The body of Christ is not perfect.
It's made up of humans.
Humans hurt.
Hurt people hurt others.
There are so many instances where the body of Christ hurt others.
When the body of Christ is SUPPOSED to be a place for comfort and peace,
Sometimes it's a place of judgement, pain and hypocrisy.
I know.
I was on the judgement end of that stick.
For that I was disgusted by organized religion.
I was disgusted by the hypocrites.
Like many... this pushed me away from God.
"If these people are representing God, I want nothing to do with THAT."

I know these words may be years or decades too late...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry on behalf of those that have hurt you.
I'm sorry on behalf of those that have judged you.
I'm sorry on behalf of those that made you feel shame.
I'm sorry on behalf of those that made you feel dirty, damaged or not good enough.
I'm sorry for the actions that made you feel God is unloving and unkind.
"Religion" has cause a lot of strife and pain, I'm sorry.
You may have been betrayed by the people that were supposed to love you, I'm sorry.
You may be disgusted by the hypocisy, judgement and anger, I'm sorry.
An interesting quote:
"People get more angry at God than at the devil."
So truuuu...
The truth is, the devil (Satan, the enemy, evil forces, etc) is the real source of pain, fear and anger.
The devil is the one that is trying to tear down your life.
The devil wants you to be miserable and angry at God.
I've got to give credit...
The devil has done a GREAT job of hiding himself.
Just like an enemy in a corporate espionage,
Just like a spy infiltrating our lives,
The enemy wants to remain hidden and unknown.
The enemy wants to manipulate and destroy without being detected.
I ask you kindly to not blame the wrong person.
Do not blame the God that came and died for you.
Do not blame the God that is waiting patiently by your door everyday.
Do not place the blame on God and let the devil get away scott free.
I ask for your forgiveness.
I ask for your mercy.
I ask for your grace.
Just as Jesus has shown you.
I'm sorry for the tragedies in your life.
I'm sorry for the sicknesses.
I'm sorry for the deaths.
The pain is real.
The hurt is real.
The sorrow unbearable at times.
But God is with you.
Remember to hope.
Remember the gift of eternal life.
Remember there's a bigger purpose and better life.
Remember... THIS life is not "it".
THIS life is just a blip on the radar.
We have eternal life to look forward to.
But if we focus too much on this life,
These measely 80 years can seem like forever.
This life can seem like the juice is not worth the squeeze.
The reason Jesus died for us is to give usETERNAL life.
80 years is nothing compared to ETERNITY.
If you always remembered...
You have another 10,000 of years life, could you endure these 80 years better?
If you always remembered...
10,000 years after these 80 years will be WITHOUT pain, darkness or death, how does that shift things for you?
DON'T make these 80 years your WHOLE life.
This life is a BLIP.
This life is INSIGNIFICANT compared to eternity.
In this short time here on earth, we have a just TWO things Jesus told us to do.
#1) Love
- Love God
- Love Others
- Teach / Make Disciples of all nations
- Save them.
- Teach them God's ways.
It's so simple.
All the other junk that people made into religion is outside scope of Jesus' instructions.
It's human crap.
Don't get fooled by it.
The enemy will use it and twist it.
Like twisting a knife into an open wound.
Remember that Jesus is NOT religion.
Religion KILLED Jesus.
It was the MOST religious Jews that purposefully and maliciously chose to kill Jesus even when the governer was willing to pardon Him and set Him free.
If you feel like you got screwed by religious hypocrites, Jesus got KILLED by them.
He was brutally tortured and nailed to wooden beams, the cross.
Jesus feels the same way as you do.
Jesus despises the religious, judgemental, holier-than-thou spirit. Yuck!
That's not love.
That's not how you make disciples.
That's not the 2 tasks Jesus gave us (aka The Great Commission, The Great Commandment).
Love and Make Disciples.
Please don't mix up Jesus with the very thing that killed Him.
Remember that He's about love and saving people.
"The truth will set you free."
Set yourself free from the bondage of hurts and betrayals by humans.
Set others free that are trapped in this bondage.
Free yourself from bitterness towards humans that misrepresented Jesus.
Open your heart up to God's message of love and the best life He has planned for you.
Say this prayer...
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for Your simple truths: Love and Make Disciples.
Free me from all the hurt that other humans have inflicted upon me in Your name.
I choose to forgive them now in Jesus name.
I break chains of unforgiveness, bitterness and anger.
I destroy those spirits now in Jesus name.
I declare Jesus as the victor in my life.
I unleash the fullness of Your plans into my life.
Send warring angels to camp around me, my thoughts, actions and desires.
May it be pleasing and holy to You.
Use me to move boldly for your kingdom and impact the lives I am meant to change.
I give you all the glory and praise.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to your eternal life!
Cheers to your boldness in moving the kingdom forward!