Top 10 Questions to Ask to Pick the Right Brokerage

The first 5 question are questions to ask your self. The next 5 are question to ask a prospective brokerage.
  1. What type of business do I have? (Referral-based, prospecting-based, investors, solo agent, team, etc?)
  2. What do I want my business to look like in the next 12-24 months?
  3. What type of support am I looking for? (None, seldom, hand holding)
  4. What quality, characteristic, energy of people am I looking for?
  5. What are the absolute MUST haves? The non-negotiables that I'm looking for?
  6. Is there someone dedicated to agent support? Is that person in production right now?
  7. What technology do they offer that is relevant to my business?
  8. What specific agents have they helped and how?
  9. What is their future vision of the brokerage?
  10. What are 3 specific ways they would help my business and what does that path look like?