Insta-God... or Not?

When I was a kid I LOVED Kentucky Fried Chicken's crispy drumsticks.
My favorite part was eating the crispy skin. Yummm!!!
One day, I got my hands on a WHOLE bucket of crispy chicken and instead of eating just 2 pieces, I ate as much as my little tummy could handle.
Shortly after, my head was in a trash can puking up all the excessive grease I had consumed.
It turns out what I wanted is not necessarily what's GOOD for me.

Isn't it great that God knows what's good for us?
Isn't it great that God knows what we can handle?
He did the same with the Israelites as they went from Egypt to the Promise Land.

Although God promised them victory and land, He said...

"But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you."

Whaaatt?!?! We don't get EVERYTHING of it at one time?
God's not going to let us have more than we can handle?
God's not going to give us EVERYTHING we want immediately?
How does that look like in business?

Is our desire to rapidly grow our business?
Do we want financial freedom and cash flow?
But is God saying, I will not give you everything you ask for YET...

Because your SYSTEMS or HABITS cannot handle it,
Because your CHARACTER cannot handle it,
Because your HEALTH cannot handle it,
Because your FAMILY cannot handle it.

When it comes to things we are striving for,
What are we ready for and what are we NOT?
What does God want or NOT?
Is God an INSTA-God (like a pop-tart) or NOT ?

God didn't give me WHAT I wanted WHEN I wanted either.
I don't know why. I had this awesome plan... ^_-

I wanted to make a millions and millions of dollars FIRST,
Then turn my attention towards helping others.
I wanted to get the success I wanted FIRST,
To have the freedom to do the other "charitable" things.

We dont' know what's good for us.
It's common for God to WAIT until we're ready to give us things.
It's ok. Join the club.
Club WAIT.
Here are some other members...
Abraham waited 25 years,
Joseph waited 13 years,
Moses waited 40 years,
David waited 15 years,
Jesus waited 30 years.
You're in good company.

So if God is not INSTA-God enough for you, ask these questions...
What is God waiting on YOU to do?

What does your business need for you to do to be excellent?
What people and relationships needs attention?

Who needs forgiving?
What part of your health is neglected?

These are things God has been working in me.
The only thing I'm certain of now is,
I'm a hot mess and a work in progress.

God's not INSTANT... but He is FOREVER.

I'll take the latter any day. ^_-

So here's 5 steps you can take to SEEK God daily.
Do it every morning and it will change your life.

1. Get to a quiet place.
2. Grab a pen and paper.
3. ASK a question.
    "God, what do You have to say about this ________ (situation)?"
4. WAIT and LISTEN. Write down anything that comes to mind.
5. ASK a follow-up question.
    "What do you mean? Can you tell me more?".
    WAIT and LISTEN. Write down anything that comes to mind.

Rinse and repeat as needed.

There's nothing more soul-filling than to hear God's words around a situation. Doesn't matter if the issue is small, medium or large just ASK God about EVERYTHING.

"in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God"

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me see what You want me to see,
Help me build in the way You want,
Help me be excellent in ALL things.

Help me stop neglecting the things You instructed us to care for,
The relationships,
The alone time with You,
The forgiveness,
The health.

Help me see how much work needs to be done IN me,
Before you can do things THROUGH me.
Help me see myself as You see me,
Help me love others as You love them,
Help me LOVE like You LOVE,
Help me WAIT like You WAIT.

Help me LOVE and THANK You for NOT being instant. ^_^
I'm sorry for treating you as a pop-tart or a vending machine,
I'm sorry for imposing MY timing and MY plans on You.
Lead the way Lord,
Help me follow.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to a NOT-so-instant but EVERLASTING results with God.
Take it slow.
Take it easy.
God's got you!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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