Interceding for the Offenders...

It's easy to love the ones who love you,
It's easy to be kind to those who are kind to you,
But how about what Jesus did?

Jesus "exposed himself to death...bearing the sin of many and INTERCEDING for the offenders."

Intercession is love put into ACTION.

You can say you're no longer mad at a person,
But will you pray for them?
You can say someone's bad attitude doesn't bother you,
But will you pray for them?
You can say you're over the betrayal,
But will you pray for them?

Jesus experienced all those things,
And chose to do so.

"Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is INTERCEDING for us."

Jesus INTERCEDED for the worst of the worst.

Jesus INTERCEDED for those who lied about Him,
Jesus INTERCEDED for those who spit on Him,
Jesus INTERCEDED for those who sentenced Him to death.

Jesus call us to do the same.

"I urge that supplications, prayers, INTERCESSIONS, and thanksgivings be made for all people"

How can we apply this in our everyday life?
How can we apply this in our workplace?

Can we pray someone who isn't doing their job right?
Can we pray for someone who is gossiping about you?
Can we pray for someone who has a bad attitude?
Can we pray for someone who is suing you?

If it seems hard, just remember...
"[Jesus] always lives to make INTERCESSION for them."

Jesus call us to do the same.

Ask Holy Spirit, "Who do you want me to pray for today?"
Then get quiet and ssshh...

Seek. Listen. Obey.

"Dear Heaven,

Help me love the unlovable like You,
Help me love the difficult people like You,
Help me love the ones who hurt me like You.

Help me become more like You.

Help my heart be humble enough to see,
I'm no better than they are,
And yet You still love me and INTERCEDE for me daily.

Help me be more like You.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to praying for the undeserving, the unlovable and the ones that might get on your last nerve... cuz Jesus prays for you. ^_^
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