Is It " Cool" Enough?

Whether you're 5 years old or 50, we all have things we define as "COOL" in our mind.

For a 5 year old, it may be COOL to have a fun squishy toy.
For a 30 year old, it may be the latest and hottest sports car.

For a 15 year old, it may be COOL to be the most popular star athlete at school.
For a 50 year old, it may be to be a 100 millionaire with an expensive house and private jet.

The point is, we all have things we think are COOL and are willing to pursue it.

A 15 year old may wake up at 5 in the morning to work-out and drink protein shakes.
A 50 year old may wake up at 5 am to start grinding it out at work and going till 11pm.

Whatever we think is COOL, we pursue.
Whatever we think is COOL, drives us.
Whatever we think is COOL, no one has to tell us to do it.
We do it on our own.
It's hard to stop us.

How does that apply to God?
Is God COOL to you?

God was NOT COOL for me for most my life.
I knew that God was a good thing.
I knew I should be spending time with God.
I knew a lot of things I should be doing, but I had no interest.

God just wasn't COOL enough for me to actually pursue.

To be honest, reading the bible bored me to tears.
Praying more than 5 seconds made me antsy.

The root cause of all that was because I didn't think God was "cool".

If God were COOL to me, I would jump out of bed to spend time with Him.
If God were COOL to me, I'd forget about work and hang out with Him too long instead of the other way around.
If God were COOL to me, I would look forward to hanging out with Him alone and in private, chatting it up and seeing what He has to say today.

About 2 years ago...

I literally told God "I know TECHNICALLY you're the creator of the universe and all, but I just don't find You that interesting. If you can give me the DESIRE to DESIRE You, I'm all in. If not, it's too boring and I can't handle it. If it's fun and exciting, I'll do it."

I challenged God to make Him fun and exciting to me.
So lo and behold...
God made me Himself interesting to me.
Lol ^_^
Be careful what you ask for, right?

I never thought that an obnoxious little prayer would be answered.
God saw it as an invitation and that's ALL He's waiting for.
It doesn't matter if you think God is the most boring thing in the world.
It doesn't matter if the sound of "God" makes your skin crawl.
It doesn't matter if you have no interest in God at all.
It's all O-K!
It's even ok if you are mad at Him. Great!

Just extend an obnoxious invite like I did and see what God will do with that.
I promise you it will be more than you expected.

Are you up for the challenge?
If so, then pray this prayer...

I may find you not exciting.
I may find you boring.
I may be mad at You,
Or just not interested at all.

But I invite you to give me the desire to desire you more.
If you make it fun, I can do it.
If you make You desirable, I will draw closer to You.
Change my heart, Lord.
Balls in Your court! ^_-
In Jesus name Amen."

Cheers to God showing up and answering obnoxious little prayers! Lol. ^_^
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