Is Your Off Switch Working?
Did you know that we have 60,000 thoughts flowing through our head in a day?
In comparison, the Houston Airport only has about 54,000 passengers flowing through per day on average.
That means our heads are busier than the Houston airport... and the airport in San Francisco, Boston, Detroit, Tampa, Baltimore, New York/LaGuardia!
No wonder our head can feel so full!
That's why it's so important to be able to "hold our thoughts captive",
To not let our them run wild,
Because if they do,
It's like a riot breaking out at the airport,
And the OFF switch to your brain is not working.
However, because we live in a "on the go" lifestyle and culture,
It's easy to give into the idea of being TOO BUSY all the time,
It's easy to give into the idea that life is overwhelming,
It's easy to give into the idea that we can't do anything about it,
It's easy to give into the idea that our OFF switch to our brain is supposed to NOT work.
There's nothing wrong with that, right?
Isn't that the disease of entrepreneurs?
Isn't that a sign of a productive mind?
Isn't the OFF switch supposed to NOT work?

Well... according to the Bible.
God says,
"Be STILL, and know that I am God."
"Be STILL before the Lord and WAIT patiently for him"
"stand STILL and see this great thing that the Lord will do before your eyes."
"Do NOT be anxious about anything"
BUT... how is that possible?
Surely that doesn't include entrepreneurs, right?
Surely that doesn't include busy parents, right?
Surely that doesn't include active teens and young adults, right?
Isn't "waiting" a thing of the past?
Isn't everyone "anxious"?
Isn't that the new norm?
That's what Satan wants you to think.
God is VERY clear that He wants us to BE STILL with Him,
He wants us to WAIT on Him,
He wants us to be anxious for NOTHING.
We have a choice.
Who are we going to believe?
God or the worldly culture?
I totally get it... I feel the tension too.
While my flesh wants to say, "I'm too busy".
God is saying, "Rest in Me." (Use your OFF switch)
While my flesh wants to get one more thing done,
God is saying, "Slow down. Spend time with Me." (Use your OFF switch)
While my flesh wants to pack my schedule back to back,
God is saying, "Carve out time for Me. Let's hang out." (Use your OFF switch)
God warned us that there would be thoughts and opinions that come against what He even gave us instructions on what to do about it...
"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE to obey Christ"
We are to DESTROY every opinion that does NOT line up with God.
God's not playing around!
Not only that, we then submit our thoughts to obey God's word.
How do you do that?
Well, here's how it might look like...
THOUGHT: "There's never enough time. I'm so stressed out!"
YOU: "Does that line up with God's word? No it doesn't. Let's rephrase that to God's timing is perfect. He gave me enough time to do all He has for me today. I will choose wisely. He will take care of the rest. I trust in Him. Amen."
THOUGHT: "But you have to do these 20 things before the end of the day. The list never ends."
YOU: "No, that is not of God. I will trust in God's timing and do the tasks He wants me to. I will do my part and He will do the rest. God orders my every steps and I will trust in Him."
It's literally an internal dialogue you are having.
Satan is trying to plant the worldly thoughts of "not enough time" in your head to create stress and panic,
While God reminds you of His truth that lead to peace and calmness.
You are in the middle with a choice to make on which thought you will accept and lean into.
You INTENTIONALLY reject the LIE by recognizing "It doesn't align with God's word."
Sometimes you may need to reject it 5 or 10 times because the devil is persistent for a while but will eventually flee.
"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
You just need to be more determined to choose God's word than devil is to trick you.
That's how you exercise and strengthen your OFF switch.
For some, your OFF switch may be a bit rusty, but it's there.
You just need to start using it.
The more you use it, Holy Spirit will grease it up with His oil and you'll be conquering and destroying any thought that stands against God's word.
God gave you an OFF switch.
He wants you to use it to be STILL with Him.
The great news is that if God tells you to do something,
Then He will equip you with everything you need to do it.
In this case, He has equipped you with an OFF switch to your thoughts,
So that you can BE STILL with Him,
REST in Him,
And be covered in His PEACE.
So start using your OFF switch with more confidence,
Brush the rust off,
And ask God to help you.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
I need help my OFF switch,
My head is so busy I can't silence it,
My thoughts are so rampant I can't stop it,
And I know that is against Your will in my life.
Help me find REST in You,
Help me BE STILL with You,
Help me tear down the lies of the enemy,
And hold every thought captive that stands against You.
I declare that I am NOT too busy, in Jesus name,
I declare that I have the PERFECT amount of hours in my day, in Jesus name,
I declare that I CHOOSE to follow You each day, in Jesus name,
I declare that I will find Your BALANCE in my life, in Jesus name.
I declare victory in all these things in Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to an operational and excellent OFF switch!
BE STILL and REST in Jesus,
Find a PEACE in the middle of the story you didn't know was possible.