Island of Sanity in the Sea of Chaos

I just wanted to share some of the innovative ways I've seen people show up.

As the world is running rampant with fear and panic, we need to fill our souls with the goodness that is happening as well.

So here's an example of one simple act of innovation and kindness that I'd like to share...

Jon was sitting in the empty parking lot of a local coffee shop that's been around for 30 years. It's a mom and pops style, small, cozy shop.

As he was sitting in his car looking around at the emptiness, he was reminded of how hard it must be for the coffee shop.

Their business came to a screeching halt almost overnight. 

"How can I help them?" he wondered.

"I know they must be struggling for cash flow..."

Then a thought came to him. He comes here all the time.

He will continue to come back all the time.

Why not just buy a hundred dollars worth of gift cards to help them out?


That gives them immediate cash flow and he will be able to use the gift cards in the future. There's no loss for him and a complete win for the local.

What a creative way to create a win-win?

The beauty in this is that there are so many creative ways to help others and create a win-win. This is not the only way, this is just a start.

But in order to think this way, it's important to have the sanity wits about you to think beyond the fear and chaos.

I want to leave you with this thought...

How can you be the "island of sanity in the sea of chaos"?

How can you encourage and support others to be that island of sanity?

Just like how fear and panic was spread, we can spark and spread courage, strength, and innovation.

My thoughts and prayers for you today is that you claim victory over your thoughts and turn it into a powerful weapon to inspire and lead others to do the same.

I encourage you to...

Declare victory over your thoughts and actions today.

Declare victory for others that need a helping hand.

Declare victory for business and finance.

Declare victory and claim the territory that is yours to take so you can spread power, love and a sound mind.

Be the "island of sanity in the sea of chaos".

I see a newer and more powerful version of you coming forth.I see a victorious you that is standing tall.

I see the world can change because of you.

Have a victorious and powerful day.
It's yours to claim.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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