Just the Two Stone Tablets...

I thought this was kinda cool...

Have you ever been to a house that really like a particular decor?
In a past life, I had an $8 Million dollar listing where they had this imported "expensive" pink marble... EVERYWHERE.
When I say everywhere,
I'm talking it was EVERYWHERE!
It was on the floor,
On the walls,
In the bathroom,
In the kitchen,
Everywhere you look,

Well, Solomon was kinda like that with GOLD.
Solomon used gold, the most precious of metals, EVERYWHERE for the house of God.

"Solomon covered the inside of the temple with pure GOLD, and he extended gold chains across the front of the inner sanctuary, which was overlaid with GOLD. So he overlaid the whole interior with GOLD. He also overlaid with gold the altar that belonged to the inner sanctuary."

"He overlaid the cherubim with GOLD."

"He also covered the floors of both the inner and outer rooms of the temple with GOLD."

"And on the two olive-wood doors he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid the cherubim and palm trees with hammered GOLD."

So imagine this huge room,
Half a football field long (180 ft) and 5 stories tall (50 ft),
With GOLD on ALL 4 sides,
A sea of GOLD,
Intricate GOLD carvings and GOLD engravings,
The most expensive room you'll ever see,
And at the veeeerry end of it is the ark of the covenant,
Where the most sacred items was stored...

"There was nothing in the ark except the two stone tablets"

That is so God.
He would make the most sacred thing out of two pieces of ordinary stone.
Something that humans regard as regular, unworthy and unimpressive,
God uses to write his heart's desires for us to LOVE Him and others,
What we know as the 10 commandments today.

What a contrast,
In the midst of all that gold,
Two pieces of ordinary stone as the most sacred item.

God is not fancy,
He is not complicated,
He is simple,
Simple like a rock.

God simply wants our heart,
He simply wants our LOVE,
He loves the simple and unimpressive people.

We don't need to 10x our income,
We don't need to "scale" our business,
We don't need to make millions of dollars,
God simply wants our hearts FIRST.

This is great news,
Because that means we can be a hot mess on a stick,
A total loser,
Broke as a joke,
A complete disaster,
And He will take us,
A worthless piece of rock,
Put his finger on us and write on us,
And we will transform into something holy that is pleasing to Him.

COME as you are,
God will do all the work,
He will transform us into sacred warriors,
And use us to change lives,
And change the world,
Just like He did with the two stone tablets.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Take little 'ol me,
A worthless piece of stone,
And put Your finger on me,
Write Yourself onto the tablet of my heart,
Let Your words transform my heart,
Again and again,
Let Your character shine through me,
So I may draw others to You.

May my life be worship to You,
May my songs be filled with Your praise,
May my hands be Your hands,
May my feet be Your feet,
Use me as You did the two stone tablets.

I am here,
I am Yours.
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to going from a everyday stone to a stone tablet touched by the finger of God!

Have a blessed day!
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