Do you know what trips me up?
Trying to lead with LOVE while being "left brained".
Left-brained = "Task" or "Get 'er Done" mode.
Here's the challenge.
For example...
I have a meeting that is very technical.
It's a procedural and precision based meeting.
This EASILY gets me into a driving, tasking mode that is not naturally "loving" at all.
I easily flip into a mode where my words, thoughts and actions are...
Black and white.
Get it done.
Identify the problem.
Find the solution.
The END.
Sooo NOT loving.
When something goes wrong or someone makes a mistake,
My responses can be dry and sharp.
Old habits die hard.
This is my default mode.
If I'm not careful, I can flip back into it without knowing it.
It's only AFTER the words have left my mouth, I realize...
Oops. I did it again.

I mess up on a daily basis.
My fellow left-brained "Drivers" or "High D's"...
a.k.a., My fellow over acheiving entrepreneurs.
As God increases my SENSITIVITY to the words I speak,
I realize more and more how NOT Christ-like I am.
"I've got a loooong way to go", I am reminded.
I'm still impatient, unkind, disobedient and NOT gentle.
What a piece of work, right?
AND at the same time...
I can see how far I have come.
It's a challenge and encouragement at the same time.
What now?
This is a real challenge.
The tug-o-war between driving and striving... and loving with the mind of Christ.
Almost feels like split personalities.
I used to tell myself I'm a good person so I'm alright.
I thought believing in Christ and having a good heart was enough.
It is...
As a bare minimum Christian.
But who wants bare minimum?
Worst part.
I didn't know I was doing bare minimum.
Not until Jesus started INCREASING my capacity to love, did I notice how NOT loving I was.
Every week I realize how shallow my love is compared to Christ.
But little by little, God is changing me...
The people that annoyed me, I love more.
The things that triggered me, soften.
The drive and force I used turns to power, love and a sound mind.
The sensitivity to MY sins increases as the judgement towards others decrease.
It's a better life.
It's a new life.
It's lighter.
It still feels awkward because it's so different.
As you learn to LOVE move...
You are literally changing your fuel on how you operate life.
It's like going from gas to diesel.
Totally different machines.
Not interchangeable.
A definite upgrade.
Remember this...
"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels,
but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,
and if I have a faith that can move mountains,
but do not have love, I am nothing.
If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,
but do not have love, I gain nothing."
All the accolades, the recognition, accomplishments and success mean nothing to God if you do not lead with LOVE.
If you feel accomplished but empty,
This is your call.
If you are breaking records on the outside,
but running on empty on the inside,
This is your call.
If you have all you wanted,
And still feel like something's missing,
This is your call.
The call is to find God.
Have a PERSONAL relationship with him.
Spend time with Him.
Speak to Him.
Seek Him with the WHOLE heart.
If you're not....
Spending at least 30 minutes alone time with God daily, consider it.
If you don't...
Know how to listen for his voice and recognize it, there's a process.
I you want...
To level up your business and life with God but don't know how, there's a way.
Reply YES if you're interested in this journey or path.
Reply YES if you believe in Christ but don't live it FULL out day to day.
Reply YES if you're tired of being luke warm and want to be HOT for God in a cool, amazing, awesome way.
Reply YES if you're ready to break the mold and shake things up.
Be a warrior for God in a whole new way.
Be a trail blazer for God that makes way for others.
Be AVAILBLE for God.
Make your heart available.
Open it up.
Invite God in.
"Dear God,
I invite you into my heart.
I don't know where to start.
I don't know what to do.
I'm available.
Use me.
Mold me.
Shape me.
Make me Yours.
I open the doors for You.
I hand you the keys.
I roll out the red carpet.
I welcome you.
I don't know anything else.
Jesus, take the wheel.
Show me something new.
Something amazing.
Something the world has never seen.
Light my heart on fire,
And use it to light the world on fire.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to your success!