Let My Life Be Worship...
Let the way I talk to the poor be WORSHIP,
Let the way I talk to my neighbor be WORSHIP,
Let the way I talk to my client be WORSHIP,
Let the way I talk to my boss be WORSHIP,
Let the way I talk to my children be WORSHIP,
Let the way I talk to my parents be WORSHIP,
Let the way I take care of my health be WORSHIP,
Let the way I manage my finances be WORSHIP,
Let the way I nurture my relationships be WORSHIP,
Let the way I answer the phone be WORSHIP,
Let the way I reply to emails be WORSHIP,
Let the way I respond to challenges be WORSHIP,
Let the way I stay in love be WORSHIP.
Let the way I treat those who hurt me be WORSHIP,
Let the way I respect those who have insulted me be WORSHIP,
Let the way I love those who annoy the poop out of me be WORSHIP,
Let the way I agree to disagree be WORSHIP,
Let the way I surrender myself be WORSHIP,
Let the way I let go of my desires be WORSHIP,
May my life be like a love song to YOU Lord,
To WORSHIP You all my life,
From sunrise to sunset,
Each and every day,
In Jesus name Amen.

Cheers to a worship life-STYLE,
An ongoing flow of joy in the Lord, Amen.
Have an amazing day!