Little Big Things...
If you were anointed as king as David was,
Or had great gifts and talents,
What would be your attitude towards the "little" tasks?
After David was anointed as king,
He did not have an overnight promotion to royalty,
There was no bowing down of family members or offerings of treasure,
Instead he continued to be a shepherd,
As well as the youngest son and the little brother that no one else liked.
In other words,
David live a very humble,
Not flashy,
Not trendy,
Not impressive life.
Then one day David's dad sends David on a food delivery errand to check in on his older brothers in battle.
"Now Jesse said to his son David, 'Take this ephah of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp. Take along these ten cheeses to the commander of their unit. See how your brothers are and bring back some assurance from them."
If David had a bad attitude,
He could have refused and a servant could have gone.
If David was not obedient,
He could have dropped off the bread and immediate left,
After all, his brothers were really didn't seem to like him.
When David delivered the food and his oldest brother heard him talking to someone on the battlefield, he was really nasty to David saying,
"Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle."
David's errand was not just a normal errand,
It was a visit to brothers that were mean and ugly to him,
To a family that thought so little of him that he didn't even make the line-up as Jesse's son when Samuel came to visit.
So it would have been natural to have a bad attitude or avoid it altogether,
But David did as he was asked.
He was obedient.
If he wasn't,
Then he would have missed his big debut as a warrior,
And there'd be no David and Goliath story.

And the cool thing is,
God uses LITTLE BIG things to move things forward.
He uses the obedience of every day LITTLE things,
To do BIG things.
That's why it's so important to be EXCELLENT in all things,
Don't underestimate anything,
Don't overlook a opportunity to be EXCELLENT,
And do ALL things as unto the Lord.
There is a LITTLE BIG thing for all of us in the work place,
For every entrepreneur,
For every mother,
For every student,
And that is to START your day with Jesus,
To spend ALONE, QUIET time with Him,
And SEEK God first before anything else.
This may seem like a LITTLE thing,
But it's a LITTLE BIG thing.
It's a LITTLE act,
With BIG impact.
Spending time with Jesus changes the trajectory of your day,
It feeds your mind with His word,
It's these LITTLE BIG things that turn the tide in our lives,
From ordinary to extraordinary,
From natural to supernatural.
So I lovingly challenge you to SEEK God more this week.
Block out time,
Put it in your calendar,
Treat it like the MOST important meeting of the day,
Because it IS.
Then ask "God, how can I serve YOU today?",
Then with pen and paper ready, write down what you see, sense or feel.
Do this daily for 1 week.
You'll be pleasantly surprised!
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me do the most important LITTLE BIG,
And spend time with you DAILY.
May I not take You for granted,
May I be honored to speak to You directly,
May I cherish our time like a million dollar appointment.
Teach me how to hear You,
Teach me how to seek You,
Teach me how to wait on You,
So I can do Your will,
And not my own.
Move me past good intentions,
Into FULL alignment of Your will,
Change me from selfish and immature,
To a Godly and righteous servant.
Change my heart and my mind daily,
Make me more like You,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to doing the LITTLE BIG things in excellence!
Make sure to spend time with God DAILY and see what happens! Wohooo!!