Lose to Gain Business with Jesus

Did you know that Jesus is ironic?
In addition to being the King of kings,
He may also be the King of irony.

One of Jesus' many ironic words is,

"Whoever wishes to SAVE his life will LOSE it, but whoever LOSES his life for My sake, he is the one who will SAVE it."

And if we were to put a BUSINESS spin on it,
It would sound like,

Whoever wishes to save his BUSINESS will lose it, but whoever loses his BUSINESS for My sake, he is the one who will save it.

What does that really mean?

Does Jesus want us to ruin our business?
Of course not.
But here's another way to put it...

Whoever idolizes his business ABOVE Me will lose much more than he anticipated, but whoever surrenders his business and makes me #1, he is the one I can trust and prosper.

If you think about it,
We spend a lot of time trying to succeed,
To grow the business,
Scale it,
Multiply it,
And justify it for many reason.

"I'm doing this to provide for my family."
"Once I get my business on auto-pilot, THEN I will spend more time with God... THEN I will spend more time with my family... THEN I will focus more on my health."
"Once I achieve financial freedom or have $X passive income, THEN I can focus on God more."
"Once I pay off this debt or buy this house, THEN I can slow down and seek God more."

There's always a condition,
There's always a reason,
As to why we can't SEEK Jesus right now,
There's always a reason,
Why we can't have daily quiet time with Him,
There's always a reason,
Why we didn't ask God about that detail,
There's always a reason,
Why we can't BE STILL and listen.
But God says,

"Be STILL and know that I am God."

Whoever wishes to save his BUSINESS will lose it...

Whoever places his business as a priority OVER Jesus,
Whoever makes time for a private client appointment but not with Jesus,
Will lose much more than they anticipated.
Not because Jesus is punishing,
But because anything outside His will,
Is pulling them towards death and destruction in health and relationships,
And THAT'S why it's outside His will.

The competition for your attention is fierce,
The pressures of growth make seeking Jesus seem impossible,

The expectations of partners,
The demands upper management,
The insatiable self ambition,
Keep pushing Jesus to the side.

As a result, many experience the following:
Losing physical health,
Suffering from poor mental health,
And inevitably EXHAUSTION,
And then burn-out.

And it doesn't stop there.
The destruction keeps going,
Destroying marriage,
Relationship with their kids,
Relationship with family and friends,
All in the name of success and "providing for the family".

but whoever surrenders his business and makes me FIRST, he is the one I can trust and prosper.

But if you choose to do things God's way,
By putting Jesus first,
Even when it seems illogical or impossible,
By making a choice to "lose",
To lose a little time in the morning to seek God,
To lose a little time to pursue growth,
To lose a little time to respond to emails,

But to put Jesus first always,
God will lead you down a path without death and destruction,
And you will actually WIN.

God's path will NEVER destroy relationships,
God will NEVER keep you so busy you can't sit still to seek Him,
God will NEVER justify neglecting family to grow the business.
God is BIGGER than that.

What you'll find is,
God's ways is bigger, better, faster in the BIG picture.
We think too small and think we're faster,
But it's no different than the fool that dangerously weaves through traffic,
Only to be sitting next him at the next traffic light.
We waste a lot of time, effort and energy trying to be God,
But the fact is our ways only lead to loss and destruction.

"Whoever wishes to SAVE his life will LOSE it, but whoever LOSES his life for My sake, he is the one who will SAVE it."


Whoever wishes to save his BUSINESS will lose it, but whoever loses his BUSINESS for My sake, he is the one who will save it.

So let's work SMARTER not harder by TRUSTING in Jesus.
He is THE most efficient path to success.
So to SURRENDER our business to Him,
Is the only thing that can SAVE ourselves from our business.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

I don't know what I don't know.

I don't truly understand the full repercussions of idolizing my business,
I don't truly understand the destruction of putting by business above everything else,
I don't truly understand the evil behind it.

Lord, open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear,
Help me CHOOSE You,
Above my business,
Above my ambitions,
Above my goals,
Above my success,
Above my comfort,
Above my retirement,
Above my cash flow,
Above ALL things.

Help me LOSE my business to You,
Help me SURRENDER it to You completely,
Help me LAY it down before You fully,
So you can RAISE it up,
However You want,
Whenever You want,
Help me to TRUST You enough to FOLLOW You.

In Jesus name Amen."

Cheers to losing to gain... God's full of irony.
Have a Godly ironic week! ^_^
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