Love is the Answer

In the midst of  all the strife,
In the midst of all the hate,
There is one thing that can solve it all...

"Hatred stirs of strife but
LOVE covers all offenses."

Love someone when it's difficult to love.
Love someone when you don't feel like it.
That's when they need it the most.

Love is the answer.
It's the answer to disagreements.
Love is the answer to frustration.
It's the bridge to gap any difficult situation.

Runaway angry conversations are hard to stop, but...
Have you given an angry person a loving hug?
Have you embraced an angry child?
Have you seen what happens to a person when you tell them:
"I love you."
"I believe in you."
"You made my day."

What happens when a person feels special and appreciated?
What happens when they feel valued?

Faces light up when you acknowledge them.
Hearts melt with loving, kind words.
Tears dry up and smiles appear with words of comfort.

You can be those words.
You can dry up tears.
You can bring about smiles.

You have love to share.
You have love give and spread.
Loving others takes the focus off you.
It forgets your troubles and lifts your spirits.

Loving others is the right track. 
Healing others with love. 
Creating unity with love.
Build relationships with love.

Life is relationships. 
Those you've impacted,
Those that have impacted you.

Your love OUTput vs INput....
Which is greater?
Does it feel right? 
Is your soul happy?
Does it feel generous?

We're in world where plenty of things tear us apart.
How can you spread love and teach others to do the same. 
How can you weave love into all your calls, all your appointments, all your meetings and goals? 

How can you lead with love in all that you do?
How can you be used to be a vessel for love?

Feel it. 
Receive it. 
Share it. 

Don't wait for others to start loving. 
You start. 

Share a smile, a touch, a word that will brighten someone's day. 

Here are words for you...
You are amazing.
You are precious.
You are fearful and wonderfully made. 
You have a beautiful smile .
You can make a difference. 

I believe in you.
Believe in others and they will do the same. 

Cheers to your success!

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