Love of Money

Do you love money?

Money itself isn't bad.
I love what it can do for me. 
I love being in abundance. 
I love not having to worry about it. 
I love when it's working for me. 

I don't love it when it takes too much of my mental real estate. 
I don't love it when I'm tempted to make wrong decisions because of it. 
I don't love it when I compromise myself because of it. 
I don't love it when I realize it's taken up too much of my life.

"He who loves money will not be satisfied with money"

If you love money too much...
You put it ahead of your health,
Ahead of your family,
Ahead of your relationships,
Ahead of your core values.

It's the the overpowering love of money that is harmful. 

Money can buy healing medicine or it can work you into the ground. 
Money can buy your 5 stars vacation or ruin relationships.
Money can provide for your family or it can be the reason they miss being with you. 
Money can be good and bad, depends on how you use it in your life. 

In real estate, as easy to get caught up in...
Number of properties sold,
Dollar and volume,
Commission checks,
Being #1 or being top dog. 

In real estate I've seen and been part of alot of money, pride and ego. 
Being #1 isn't bad.
Just the role it plays in your life. 
If you want an indicator, look at your relationships and your health.

Look at how much of your life is about you vs. others. 
I've been in love with money.
It can consume you without you realizing it. 
It's sneaky, tricky.
It can dress itself up as nice house, cars, clothes or cash in the bank.

Let's be clear...
You are meant to be successful.
You are meant to live a full life. 
Just be aware of the love of money as it's a sneaky prison. 

Just check your heart and see if there's more greed than love...
More self than others,
More force than power,
More destruction than healing. 

You are meant for greatness.
Don't let money distract you from your ultimate destiny. 

Cheers to your success!

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