Loving in Real Estate... In & Out

My fellow real estate brothers and sisters...
We have been command to "Do everything IN LOVE."

It turns out...

There's a lot of pitfalls in real estate that take us OUT of love.

The truth is, there's a lot more pitfalls to fall OUT of love than we think.
As we start the new year, I want to bring heightened awareness to the pitfalls and how to avoid them.

I can only speak from personal experience...
So I'll share my GOOD, BAD, and UGLY of falling OUT of love as well as how I'm finding my way back INTO love.
Oh the joys of real estate.
Here we go!

Falling OUT of Love in Real Estate:
  • I fall out of love when I envy others' success and compare it with my own.
  • I fall out of love when I want more for for self-seeking reasons vs serving others.
  • I fall out of love when I'm boastful... especially the under-handed compliments I give myself on Facebook or in casual conversation.
  • I fall out of of love when I delight in evil by enjoying it when seeing others fall off their high horse.
  • I fall out of love when my pride drives me to look good and talk down to others.
  • I fall out of love when I dishonor others with soft insults wrapped in an honest observation.
  • I fall out of love when I anger quickly with my team and get frustrated over things I didn't explain clearly or follow-up with.
  • I fall out of love when I'm able to count how many times someone has messed up and rub their face in it.

Falling INTO Love in Real Estate:
  • I fall into love when I hold my tongue when someone is being slow or repetitive. (Especially a tech support guy from India I can hardly understand that is giving me the run around!)
  • I fall into love when I seek the truth even when it's mixed in with a lot of emotions or lies.
  • I fall into love when I choose to trust even when my confidence has been betrayed by another human. I trust that God is greater than all our human mistakes put together.
  • I fall into love when I persevere every day to seek a little more of God each day and share Him in a new way.
  • I fall into love when I am kind to someone that I know is ugly or dishonest.
  • I fall into love when I protect others' interest above my own.
  • I fall into love when I believe there's a bigger plan for my life than what I can see.
It turns out there's a lot of ways to fall IN and OUT of love in real estate everyday.

Real estate is a rapid pace and high pressure environment that is a breeding ground for falling OUT of love.

However, if we stay IN love, God can do amazing things in your life.
God can use you and shape you into a powerful weapon.
God can use you to pierce the darkness.
God can use you to create breakthrough for others.
God can use you to conquer evil and be a vessel for good.
God can perform miracle through your life if you choose to
"Do everything in LOVE", therefore having the mind of Christ.

You are "wonderfully and fearfully made".
The enemy is afraid of the power of God flowing through you.
Only you can stop it...
By NOT operating in LOVE.

"Dear God,
Show me how to LOVE.
Teach me Your ways.
Forge me into a powerful weapon that can defeat evil and bring You glory.
Use my LITTLE human real estate business,
To do BIG God things and change the world.
I offer myself as a living sacrifice to be mini but MIGHTY for You.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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