Make the Lord's Prayer Your Own...

Holy Spirit,
Help me play with this prayer with You,
To make it my own with You,
Reflecting Your heart's desires within my prayer,
Let's dance together Lord in this prayer.

"Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name."

Hello Father,
You are so wonderful, so wonderful to me,
Who You are,
What You are,
Is all just amazing.

The fact that You can love me the way You do is mind blowing,
I am nothing but dirt without You,
And yet You cherish me as if I'm Your only child,
How can this be, Lord?
How can this be?

I'll never understand the full depths of Your love,
But I will spend my whole life trying.
It's my honor and glory to be called Your child,
Oh how I thank You and love You,
My Lord and Savior,
My heavenly Father.

"Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven."
Lord, bring Your kingdom into my heart FIRST,
Let Your desires be my desires,
Let Your thoughts be my thoughts,
Let Your hunger be my hunger.

Shine Your light through my eyes,
Overflow Your love from my heart,
Touch everybody around me,
That they might have a taste of Your kingdom here on earth,

Your will be done, Father, Your will be done.

"Give us this day our daily bread"
Jesus You are the bread of life,
I can't live without You,
You transform me daily,
You mold my thoughts daily,
You feed my soul with Your love daily,
What would I do without You?

Give me the strength to carry our your will for me today,
Give me the courage to stand firm in Your love,
Give me wisdom to navigate the details of the day in Your will,
Give me everything I need today,
Nothing less, nothing more,
Your perfect provision is what I desire,
I shall be satisfied by You today.

"And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."
Every grudge,
Every offense,
Every resentment,
Every bitterness,
Every judgment,
Every prideful thought,
I lay before You at Your feet.

I have no right,
I have no authority,
I have no wisdom,
To sit on Your throne,
To judge or convict.

I am just another criminal,
A sinner that nailed You to the cross,
Who am I to judge?
Who am I to resent?
Who am I to hold debt against others,
When You have forgiven me completely.

Still I am guilty of judgment,
Still I am guilty of resentment,
Still I am guilty of unforgiveness.
Help me let go and forgive as You have forgiven me.

Cleanse this unworthy vessel,

Make me as white as snow,
Blot out my transgressions,
Remove my sins as far as the east is from the west,
O Lord, You are so generous to me.

"And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
Lord through my own folly,
I have opened many doors to the enemy,
Help me close them and tuck me underneath Your wing.

Deliver me from my own doings,
Save me from my own thoughts and decisions,
Protect me from any trials not permitted by You,
That I may be proven trustworthy to You.

Help me hang on to Your every word,
That I would be armed with Your truth,
Piercing the darkness,
To see Your light.
Be my Lord and Savior,
Today, tomorrow and all the days to come.

"For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
Only You,
Only You deserve all the glory,
Only You have laid down everything for this sinful bag of dirt,
Only You are the purest form of love,
Only You can change everything You touch,
Only You are the creator of the universe,
Only You have the power to reign forever,
I want ONLY You.

I love You,
I praise You,
Jesus, the name above all names,
Come into my heart today,
Come into my heart to stay,
Come into my heart to play,
Dance with me this day,
Abide in me and I in You,
In Jesus name, Amen.
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