Micro-Confessions that Change Prayers...

Surrender is one of those things we THINK we're doing well...
But are we?

The common known answers are "letting it go", "giving it to Jesus" or "laying it down at Jesus' feet".
Great, let's roll with that.

Theoretically, when we TRULY surrender something to Jesus, the burden should be OFF of us.

So then why do we still feel stressed, pressured, like there's not enough time, anxious or fearful?

God's version of surrender looks like this...

"Do NOT be anxious about ANYTHING, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

And the RESULT of true SURRENDER is...

"And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

So if we're running around like a chicken with our head cut off,
If we're anxious that there's never enough time,
If we're draining our battery and never refilling,
If we're on the path to burnout,
That's EVIDENCE that we have NOT truly surrendered.

So now what?

How do we even begin to tackle that monster?

The good news is, Jesus made it SIMPLE.

Let's break down the topic of SURRENDER into goal, problem and solution.

GOAL: To surrender ALL to God.

PROBLEM: We keep trying to surrender by our OWN strength and fail. We can't even surrender properly on our own we get stuck. Until we TRULY surrender, God can't fully help, but we aren't able to TRULY surrender on our own.

Chicken or the egg?!?!

SOLUTION: That's where MICRO-confessions come in.
We need to start acknowledging and CONFESSING that we can't TRULY surrender without God's help. As long as we THINK we can do it we will keep trying on our own which is clearly NOT working. We literally need to ASK Him to help us with SURRENDER.

"I can do ALL things through him who strengthens me."

And when we CONFESS that we can't even do this one simple thing on our own,
That's when God can come in and help us.
CONFESSING this will CHANGE your prayers.

This is the smallest of confessions,
A micro-confession if you will,
But it has BIG impact waiting on the other side of it.
This is a self-awareness issue that can easily be missed,
But it can make all the difference in the world.

For example...
INSTEAD of "Lord, I surrender my life and business to You.",

With your micro-confession that you can't even do that on your own,
Your prayer will CHANGE to "Lord, I need your help with SURRENDER."

Here's a prayer you can use as a starting point. Modify it as you see fit.

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I need Your help in surrendering ALL things to You.
I think I surrendered things but I haven't,

I can't let go of things without Your help.

Forgive me for thinking I could do this on my own,
Forgive me trying by my own strength to surrender,
I realize now it doesn't work.

I fail in surrendering without Your help,

I NEED You to help me with ALL of it,
I WANT You to help me with ALL of it,
I'm helpless and weak.

I'm the problem,
I'm the blocker to Your Spirit working in my life,
Come Lord, come!
Holy Spirit, transform my heart,
Help me to REALLY let go,
Help me truly SURRENDER the way You want.

Thank You for Your promise to help us with EVERYTHING,
Even our inability to SURRENDER,
Thank You for Your strength,
Thank You for Your victory,
Thank You for Your love,

Your will be done.

In Jesus name Amen."

As humans we are champions at,
Picking things back up that we supposed "surrendered",

Worrying about things we supposedly "surrendered",
Keep poking at things we supposedly "surrendered",
We really don't know how to surrender! >_<

"the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"

Because our flesh is week, we need to ASK God for help in EVERYTHING.

"You do not have because you do not ask."

If we never ASK God to help us surrender we won't,
If we don't truly surrender,
God can't help us because we're holding onto it.

This week, take the SIMPLE step of DAILY micro-confession.

1) Confess that you can-NOT SURRENDER without God's help.
2) ASK for His help.
3) ASK for forgiveness for trying to do it on your own.
4) THANK Him for His help.
The end.
(You can use the prayer above if you like).

It's that SIMPLE!

Just rinse and repeat for 1 week daily and see what happens.
You'll be pleasantly surprised!

Cheers to SEEKING God to help you truly SURRENDER. ^_^

Have a blessed day!
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