Missing Essential In Your Business...
This one day I was pulling out from my office and turned right onto a small two lane road in a business park are. As I stepped on the gas I felt the car take off and then all of a sudden lose power and putter to a stop. "What the crap?"
I frantically looking around to see if anything big was wrong with my car and I saw nothing, but when my eyes glanced over my dash I noticed a bright orange light next to the fuel gauge signaling EMPTY.
"Ooooh yeaahh...!"
I have been noticing the gas light on for the last several days and I kept pushing it off until later. I knew there was a reserve tank so I knew I wasn't TOTALLY out of gas.
Well... apparently I used up the reserve, and I was at the REAL bottom of my tank.
I don't know about you, but I'm one of those that do NOT like going to the gas station. It feels like such a waste of time. Out of all the things I have in my day, that does NOT make my list of things to do.
It's easy to do the same with with our business.
How are you filling the spiritual gas tank for your business?
Did you know there was one?
What does that even mean?
It's simple.
Your business is either operating on God's fuel or man's fuel.
You either intentionally seek God for direction on specific things about your business and treat Him like your CEO or chairman of the board or not.
And the BEST way to ensure that you ARE is to fill the gas tank of your business with God every morning.
What does that look like?
What do you have to do?
It's simple.
Pray and read the bible.
You need BOTH.
If you only pray, that's like drinking a glass of water but not eating any meals during the day and expecting to have energy.
Not gonna happen.
If you only read the bible, it's like eating a meal without any water and being thirsty with a piece of food stuck in your throat.
Not good either.
You need both for it to benefit the spiritual body of your business the most.
But the human brain wants to question...
Does this REEAAALLY make a difference?

The world has programmed us to operate without God when we were ALWAYS meant to do business WITH Him.
Unknownst to most people, this is a MISSING essential in MANY businesses.
Just to keep it real...
Here's 5 examples of the RESULTS from my morning time with God in business decisions THIS WEEK (and it's only Wednesday :P).
1) PRICING & PACKAGES: 2 days ago God prompted me to re-look at my structure for our packages and pricing. I prayerfully laid out the variables we can play with and step by step while checking in with Holy Spirit started developing and researching new structure and options. In 1 hour, I had the outline of three new plans with various payment options. I've done this many times before, but doing it INTENTIONALLY with Holy Spirit gave me more peace and surrender than ever before. I'm super happy with the progress made in that hour. I think I was more efficient in doing that with Holy Spirit than any of my other times before. Who'd a thunk it?
2) MARKETING: Today Holy Spirit is really prompting me to get this message out. I meant to get it out yesterday and He is on my back about it today so I choose to be obedient and make sure I get it out today. This prompting came strongly during my morning time with God after scripture reading. Many times what I'm reading connects with something going on in that day and it moves me in the right direction. When you become used to this happening you don't want to operate without it!
3) FOLLOW-UP: As I review my list of people I need to follow-up with, there's always a list but I also review that list and seek God's prompting on any additional thoughts or ideas. As I reached out to someone today, what I was doing in #1 (above) was confirmed as the right move. I am looking forward to how God is going to tie a bow on all of it.
4) NEGOTIATIONS: While in the process of selling a piece of land, there are nuances to the negotiations and potentials offers on the table I am navigating. I seek God for guidance on the timing, terms and how to communicate them to the potential buyer. I just had an offer fall through and I have others in waiting. I surrendered the property to God and simply asked Him to make it clear how He wants me to steward it. It's not really mine anyways in the big scheme of things (it's God's) so He's got this. I have to remind myself of that when my flesh wants to control the timing, the buyer and terms. BREAATTHEEE!!! ^_^
5) FINANCES: While I spend time with God chatting and asking questions, He reminds me of the direction He will take me and what to let go and trust Him on and what to look into and steward in excellence. There are areas that I can tend to neglect and reviewing my To Do's with God always helps me keep my priorities on track.
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
The difference in the process of doing these everyday things with God is that I have more peace, calm, surrender, wisdom, confidence than ever before.
I no longer have the overhanging rush, pressure, stress, over-analysis, craziness from before.
Everything is so much easier.
Everything is so much lighter.
The only thing that's changed is God.
He is my fuel.
He is my guide.
He is my ultimate business consultant.
Just know that God is in the DETAILS of business and life.
Whether it's your relationship, health, finance or business, the FUEL you need is Holy Spirit and you need it DAILY.
Once you feel the difference it makes and how much BETTER EVERY DAY can be when you start with God in the morning, you won't want to stop.
TRUST in the fact that....
There is a way for you to spend time with God where it is EXCITING, INSPIRING, PRACTICAL and mood setting for the rest of the day.
There is a way for you to enjoy God's presence SOOOO much that you won't want to miss it.
This is not a chore or an obligation but a REAAALLY powerful part of life that many Christians haven't tapped into.
Not let your borning past experiences stop you.
There's a better way.
I promise.
Just be open to the possibility of AWESOMENESS in the morning with God where it's NEVER a burden and ALWAYS a joy.
For those of you who work out in the morning or have other morning rituals that get your day started out right...
Imagine one that is WAAAYYY better and even more practical!
I will expand on details in another email to come.
So who's a little curious about the habit of FUELING up your business every morning?
Cheers to an overflowing business directed by God, the ultimate business consultant! ^_^