Missing Gems In The Haste...

One of the things I'm noticing,
Shifting from a season of rest to a season of activity,
Is the stark difference between,
Having margin and breathing room in my day,

And being jam packed, back to back all day.

Having been an entrepreneur for most my life,
Having a jam packed, crazy schedule was normal,
So I never had a chance to notice what I was missing.

I never experienced,
That when you have margin in your day,
You can sense and feel Holy Spirit moving way more,
Guiding you in the smallest of activities,
But because I was too busy,

Little did I know,
I was missing GEMS in the haste.

I never knew,
That instead of back-to-back appointments,
When you have margin in between them,
You can ask God for wisdom in your next meeting,
You can pray for your client or prospect,

And it can change the way you do business,
But because I was too busy,

Little did I know,
I was missing GEMS in the haste.

I never realized,
That even when I'm reading the Bible,
There is a huge difference between feeling rush,
And lingering and taking my time with the Lord,
That when I slow waaaaay down,
To a lingering snail's pace,
There are GEMS I notice in scripture I never saw before.
But because I was too busy,

Little did I know,
I was missing GEMS in the haste.

So I encourage you today,
To realize how much you may be missing out on,
There's a price for going a million miles a minute.

"whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way"

"Wealth gained hastily will dwindle"

"everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty"

You may see others in haste making money,
But they are broke in health, relationships and faith.
Some run down their bodies,
Some can't sleep at night,
Some can't enjoy their family,
Some can't turn off their brain,
Many are spiritually broke,
And addicted to work.
Is that what you want?

That's why EVERY day we need to experience how to,

"Be STILL and know that I am God"

And find more GEMS from God each day,
By creating margin,
By doing a little LESS,
To experience a little MORE,
And get better RESULTS.
God is GOOOOOOOD like that.

"The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it."

When you do things God's way,
You won't have any unnecessary collateral damage,
Such as your family, health or relationships,
For God cherishes all these things,
And will bring success without sacrificing the meaningful things in life.
Aren't you glad our God is big and cool like that? ^_^

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for all the GEMS you have planted throughout my day.
Forgive me for blowing past them every day,
Help me to SLOOOOW down,
Help me to TRUST in You,
That Your PACE is better than my pace,
That Your PLAN is better than my plan.

Help me no longer miss Your GEMS in my haste,
Instead help me to find and linger in your presence,
Even for a minute each hour,
Or every other hour.

Lord, teach me how to experience You throughout my day,
And make EACH day the sweetest day of all,
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to finding more GEMS throughout your day with Jesus! ^_^
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