More is Better?


I'm a foodie.
I love food.
The flavors, aromas, textures... all of it.
The more yummy food, the better.

If being 400 lbs was sexy and beautiful I would be in hog heaven. ^_^
So you can imagine the tragedy when found out I had mold in my body and had to get on a super strict diet.
Due to mold, I was busting out into hives over everything - veggies, fruits, carbs, juices, meat, I mean everything!
On the allergy tests where the doctor pricks you, I reacted to salt water.
That's supposed to be the neutral base line.
Errr... that would mean I'm allergic to myself.

More is Better?

Good news.
After much wandering and suffering, I finally found a high level nutritionist that knew her stuff. (I don't trust doctors much)

Bad news.
Overnight, I went from a "see" food diet (eat everything you see) to eating grass (figuratively speaking).
After a few weeks of torture, I was finally approved to cook something flavorful - Mexican soup!
I Googled a dozen different recipes and landed on the perfect one.
From previous attempts, I discovered a secret that only came from experience.
The key flavor that my taste buds sing was... Lime.
I loved it so much that I came up with a brilliant plan.

The Mexican soup called for half a squeezed lime.
Well if half a lime was good then 2 whole times would be even better!
Brilliant idea! I mentally gave myself a pat on the back for the genius plan.

The next day, I put all the ingredients to the instant Crock Pot and hit start.
As the food cooked, the aroma of all the herbs and spices began to fill the room.
I could practically taste the flavors that it caused my glands to pump saliva into my mouth.
I eagerly waited for the beep to signal that the food was done.

I rushed to the kitchen counter, released the steam and opened the lid.
Tadaa!! The smell hit me in the face and I was practically drooling.
I grabbed a spoon and sunk it into the bowl, blew off the steam and took the first delicious, rich flavorful sip.

Like a train at full speed slamming on the breaks, my whole body jolted as a bitter flavor hit my taste buds I immediately spit out and gasped for air.
The physical shock was as bad as the emotional one.

What just happened?
I was expecting flavorful bliss...
but I got a bitter taste of hell from a rotting carcass!

It turns out that any experienced cook knows that lime peels go rancid when you cook it.
I didn't do anything wrong, that's just the nature of limes.
More limes did NOT = more flavor.
When I added more, I killed the whole batch.

This happens in our business too.
Many times we assume that more is better.
We think putting in more hours = more money = more happiness.
Is that the truth?
Does more hours = more recruits = more closings = more happiness?

Everything has a price.
We often pay with our time.
Time is our life.
Where are you spending your life?
With strangers, co-workers, family?
Where do you WANT to spend your life?

In this day and age where everything is changing...
Think about changes you would like to make.
What do you want more of?
What is the reason for wanting more?
Will it get you more happiness?
More fulfillment?
More purpose?

Your choices will bring you closer to happiness and fulfilling your purpose... or not.
It's black or white.
Yes or no.
It's simple, not easy.

What are you trying to get "more" of right now?
Will "more" of it fill your cup?
Will it make you whole?
Looking back 10 years from now, will you say I'm glad I got more of that.

More is better...
If you choose wisely.
More is better...
If it feeds your soul.

Get more...
Of the right things.

What will you choose to get "more" of today?
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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